When you have an anxiety attack (2/2)

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The Wolf
- He's an animal, and can easily sense when you're upset, so when you start getting figety or your breath gets heavy, he knows something's up.

- He'll try his best to appear as meek as possible, since he knows his appearance can be off-putting at first.

- So he'll rub himself against you, hoping you'll find it comforting.

- He gives you berries he picked in the woods! And man, are they ripe and sweet!

- When cuddling or hugging, if that's what soothes you, the tip of his tail will rub at your cheek.

- It's so soft and fluffy, it's like the clouds are around you.

- If you happen to have an attack in public, sorry, but he can't be there. He already gets hunted as it is.

- Despite everything, he tries, so you can feel okay.

- He's already so sweet, what more can you ask for?

- Once he realizes how you're feeling, he'll gently hold your hands and make you breathe in and out with him.

- It takes time, but once you calm down, he's holding you and touching your cheek with his hand.

- If music is something that calms you down, he'll play gentle, slow songs on his guitar.

- He'll hold you close to his chest as you sleep, kissing your tears.

- "Hush, Y/N, it'll pass."

- If it happens in public, he'll take you somewhere private, like the outside of an alleyway or the back of a shop.

- Overall, the most gentle man you can ask for!

John Dillinger
- He's trained to read expressions and to control his own, so he can easily tell what's wrong.

- "Y/N, my good girl, come here. What's wrong?"

- Holds you like he'll never see you again, and rubs your hands

- If you're squeamish about touch during an anxiety attack, he'll give you a trinket he bought for you to hold instead.
(Can you tell I need physical stimulation to calm myself down? I need to touch something, like carpet or plastic)

- He'll kind of go about and make you something to drink, and get some fruits and veggies on a plate for you.

- You best believe he'll make you drink it and eat something to ease you a bit.

- If his gear seems intimidating, he'll remove it. (Like his gun holsters, or any hidden guns on him, really)

- "Y/N, let's stay like this for a bit, yeah?"

- Even though there's a threat of the FBI finding him and his gang, he'll do what he can to be the best person in your life, especially during these moments!

Gellert Grindelwald
- Slightly indifferent, he doesn't really consider feelings

- The guy wants to rule the world and is also arrogant, at that!

- But when you came into his life, he tried to tone it down a bit.

- He'll make you a warm drink with his magic, and calmly soothe you with hushed tones.

- "My Y/N, do you wanna hold my hand? You're one of the few who is lucky."

- Okay, he's trying.

- Can't really cuddle for long periods of time since he's always working and planning.

- But he'll go maybe five more minutes if it means you'll be okay.

- He'll cast up some baby animals for you to hold, like a puppy or a lamb.

- Not the best, but he's doing what he can to try and help you.

Frank Tupelo
- Since he's a teacher, he might have been trained with this kind of stuff.

- Does breathing exercises with you.

- "You can't let your fears rule your life, Y/N."

- To entertain you, he'll blow smoke rings with his cigarette.

- Or he'll hold your face gently, both hands cupping your cheeks.

- Slow kisses on your eyelids, eyebrows, and nose.

- Tells you stories about his students and other co-workers to distract you.

- Once you've calmed down, he'll give you space if you need it, or if you need someone around, he'll stay nearby.

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