Chapter 56

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It was the first day of new residents meaning new interns upon the return for Kase Blackwell, Arthur Knight, and Jemma Porter. Their break after their intern test over meaning they had to start a new life, and so did a lot of people at the hospital.

"Kase you never told us what happened after the wedding." Jemma spoke as the three new residents got dressed. 

"It was nothing, seriously." Kase responded. He let out a small sigh, slamming his locker closed. "Anyways it would be none of your business what may or may not have happened."

Arthur took this time to chime in from his own locker. "Really because I dropped and picked you up at a bar where I saw Leo Sloan's car nearby." 

Jemma had a large growing smile as she jumped over to Kase's side. The pair began to move from the room with one another.

"There is nothing to tell you." Kase spoke up. "So leave me alone." 

The pair walked part of the way down the hallway, both stopping as their eyes landed on two that had arrived recently. They watched the black haired arrival place a kiss on the lips of the one they knew.

"Oh.." Jemma turned her head towards Kase. Her eyes scanned her friends face to see the frown and the disappointed look that the male resident happened to hold as he looked at the newest pair. "I'm so sorry."

"For what? Dr. Sloan has as much of a right to get a boyfriend as everyone else." Kase wrapped let out his own small sigh as he turned away. "I'm going to go meet my interns, have fun meeting yours I guess."

Kase turned and walked away leaving Jemma there watching Leo Sloan and his new boyfriend.. ruining one of her best friends heart once again.

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