Chapter 33

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"What is wrong with you? This is so simple." Two middle school aged boys sat at a table in their school library trying to complete a project for a class. The younger of the two boys was struggling with the work, none of it was making sense to him. He was good at certain subjects but that was not well known and this subject was one he struggled in.

"It.. it just doesn't make sense."

"Seriously Leo!" The other boy exclaimed, having not gotten shushed by the librarian yet. "This is the easiest stuff we have done all year!"

"Shh!" The library hushed them as she walked past.

"I'm sorry. I'm trying." Middle school aged Leo responded.

"Why did I have to get stuck with the idiot of the class for this stupid project." The other boy mumbled not very quietly. Talking could be heard around them in not very hushed tones and that meant the conversations could be heard as well. There was someone saying something about older students and high schoolers.

"We will be out quickly I promise." A voice familiar to Leo said. The younger boy turned as two people walked around the corner where bookshelves originally blocked their view. Leo turned away and hid his face from view but it was way too late as he had been spotted.

"Leo you said you would be out by now." The person said.

"Sorry Mark. We lost track of time." Leo mumbled as he gathered his stuff. He shoved his school supplies into his bag as he stood up. "See you tomorrow." Leo's last comment to his classmate was the last thing heard before Leo walked past the two who had entered the middle school in hopes to get the younger boy.

"Leo are you okay?" The other person there with Mark Sloan asked as they turned and walked next to the middle schooler.

"I'm fine Derek. Just leave me alone." Leo said before going quiet for the rest of the trip home.


Callie Torres stood in front of Leo's interns who all seemed anxious to get this day started before anything was said to them about other things and other people. To be fair Callie also wanted to get this over and done with. She had a job to do and when she had a chance she wanted to go and see if she could visit her friend and get him to talk to her.

"I've been told what assignments to give you all. This is only temporary so let's not get use to it." Callie said. "Dr. Knight you will be working with Dr. Burke. He want's another eye keep on one of his patient, Denny Duquette"

"Okay." Arthur nodded before turning and heading in that direction.

"Don't take that as a sign you have nothing else to do!" Callie called out before Arthur went around a corner out of sight. The female sighed. "Okay, Dr. Blackwell you are working in Peds someone will be there to meet you. And Dr. Porter you're with me, it's hockey season."

Kase paced back and forth through a hallway acting like he was going somewhere or doing something. Anyone around who worked in the hospital knew exactly why he was there and what he was thinking about doing. But even if he had a plan he didn't seem to be completing it in any way because it was clear just standing there was not apart of his plan.

"You can talk to him. It won't hurt you." The intern jumped and turned towards a person he had gotten to know pretty well over his internship. Arizona Robbins from the peds area of the hospital.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I should get back to work-"

"You came and saw him almost everyday and now you are scared because he is awake." Arizona pointed out the obvious facts. She shifted her weight to one side as she stood there looking at the intern. "He's not in a yelling mood so might as well try to talk to him. It wouldn't hurt anyone."

"I should get back to work." Kase repeated before moving away and walking away from the room not looking back.

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