Chapter 1

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Interns. The bottom of the surgical food chain. They do what they are told as they work their way up to being fully doctors. Leo Sloan was not an intern though, but that didn't mean he didn't have to deal with them.

"My name is Leo Sloan. I will learn your names as I get there but don't think that means anything. You will spend your internship working under me but other then that you will most likely limit your interactions with me. Until that time I am suppose to show you the ropes and try to make sure you don't kill anyone" The hospital resident known as Leo Sloan said as he walked down the hall with four new interns walking behind him. One girl and three boys all walked behind behind him following his moves. The resident stopped and turned to face the interns. "Any questions?"

"Dr. Sloan"

"Yes?" Leo asked.

"Are you related to Mark Sloan the plastic surgeon?" One of the boys in the group asked.

"Yes I am but that does not say anything about me." Leo said. He looked at the others in the group. "Any other questions?" The girl in the group raised her hand.

"Why would we limit our interactions-"

"You will figure it out yourselves" Leo started to walk from their original position. "Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours. When your pager goes off you run, especially if it's one of the nurses. Treat them with respect without them this hospital would be in shambles." He walked over to one of the desks, one where a nurse handed him charts for his patients. "Thank you."

"You're welcome Leo. I hope you can teach them your level of respect for people"

"I'll try my best" Leo smiled at the nurse before turning back to his interns. Leo's pager went off not allowing the male to say anything else. He looked at it and started to move. "Pagers going off, let's get going!"

"Woods, Knight, Porter, Blackwell, go get lunch." Leo said. He waved the group away from him as he took a seat at a table in their hospitals cafeteria. Leo laid his head down on the table annoyed not caring about anyone staring at him. He had just spent the good portion of his morning teaching interns how to do rounds and how to not screw everything up.

"Problems with your interns?"

"Bailey I swear" The boy looked up at the other resident. "You hate your interns. Why are you asking me that?" The male resident sighed before just deciding that was a bad question "You know what don't answer that question. I'm going to go find Arizona."

Leo walked into the Pediatric section of the hospital. It was a place he was very comfortable with, he liked working with children especially the ones here. Arizona Robbins was the attending that worked in pediatrics and was the one that Leo preferred to work with. Kids were a tough patient and usually it was not actually the kids fault. A lot of concerned parents would come in with their parents some having done research on google and thinking they know something.

"Give up on your interns already?" Arizona asked using her Heely shoes to roll right over to him. Leo hummed as he looked at some of the cases for patients. Arizona grabbed the patient files from the male doctors hands.


"Sorry but you aren't needed today and Webber made it clear that you can't have all your hours here especially if you still haven't picked a specialty." Arizona said. Leo glared at her but she just shrugged and smiled.

"I hate you so much."


"No you aren't" Leo scoffed. The resident leaned against the desk listening to the noises around. Nothing seemed to be going bad which meant there was no reason for Leo to stay here if he didn't have a patient.

"Which ones are you still thinking about?" Arizona asked.

"Oh a whole lot of them. It's just a really hard choice." Leo said.

"Liar. A really bad one at that. You are made for Pediatrics, I don't understand why you wont accept that." Arizona pointed out. Since day one Leo had been interested in Pediatrics. Others liked to put down the thought but not Leo. As an intern he got to see Arizona do an emergency surgery for a kid and he was able to see how relieved the parents looked when they were told their kid would be okay. It was something Leo never forgot.

"I'll be back later and I will get to see some tiny humans!" Leo said.

"No you won't"

"We are never going to get to do anything." Kase Blackwell, one of Leo's interns, said as the group sat at lunch together.

"He let me-" Jemma Porter, the female intern for Leo's group, got cut off.

"Yeah he let you draw blood that's all." Arthur Knight said.

"Maybe he will let us do more things later. This is like an introduction" Theo Woods tried to have a confident tone but the other two boys didn't seem to agree with him.

"He doesn't have a specialty, we are going to fall behind because our resident does nothing but jump around from specialty to specialty doing the basics." Kase said. Jemma coughed to get his attention and did a little head gesture to turn around. Kase did so and jumped noticing Leo standing behind him.

"I'm sorry fancy rich boy that I don't have a specialty picked yet but that will not be how you fall behind. You will fall behind because of your own choices and how you choose to act. Don't blame me for your crap." Leo started to walk away. "I will see you four out in the hall in 10 minutes. If you are late.. you know what I'll let you make guesses on what you will be doing."

"Most of those surgeries are made for you to fail. Be happy you didn't get picked" Leo said walking through the hallway with his interns trailing behind him. Apparently one of Bailey's interns was picked for scrubbing in for a surgery with Burke. The resident stopped walking when they reached the desk they had originally talked at before. Leo picked up a chart he had left there specifically for this. He held it out to the interns. "You want to be doctors so bad, figure out what's wrong with the patient and try to do it before midnight." Jemma took the chart and with it out of his hands Leo started to walk away.

Leo walked through the quiet halls of the pediatrics floor. He let out a small sigh not having anything to do that night. His interns had not bothered him in hours which was great for him. Crying cut through the silence gaining Leo's attention almost instantly. It was like a sirens song drawing him in.

"Hey" Leo said softly as he entered a room with a child in it crying. "Are you parents not here?" Leo knew he wouldn't get a response, the child was probably on the older scale for infants. The resident picked up the chart outside the room and looked at it. The kid had just been dropped off here. Leo sighed as he put the chart away. He walked deeper into the room and carefully picked the infact up out of the crib it was in and walked over to a rocking chair in the room.

"It's okay." Leo said. He held the crying child close to him and slowly rocked himself in the chair back and forth. Leo hummed softly as he sat there with the child.

"That would kill them." Theo said shooting down the groups latest idea. They had come to a lot of conclusions but none of them would work out. The group sighed as they looked at the case. "Maybe the answer is not to diagnose it."

"What?" Kase asked.

"He's teaching us a lesson, maybe the lesson is for us to ask for help" Theo suggested.

"It's worth a shot" Jemma shrugged. The others nodded, they stood up and went off to attempt to find their resident.

The group of four interns made their way through the hospital. It had taken them a long time to even get a basic location of where their resident might be. One of the nurses had suggested trying the Pediatric floor so that's where they were planning on going. It took them a little bit, they got loss, to find the Pediatric floor. Theo lead the way and stopped the group as they were about to walk pass a room.

"I think we are going to spend a lot of time in Peds" Theo said. The group of four looked into the room and saw their resident asleep holding an also asleep child.

"Maybe he won't be so bad" Arthur said.

"Yeah.. Maybe"

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