Chapter 24

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"I'm sorry Julia but I have to work today. I promised Arizona." Leo apologized as he walked through the apartment past his girlfriend who seemed highly upset right now. She had woken up when Leo had. Despite him trying to get her to go back to sleep she did not and tried to get Leo to stay home for the day.

"Leo, you promised we could hang out." Julia said. 

"You know how my work goes. I have patients I have to take care of. I will make it up to you, I promise." Leo said. The resident grabbed his bag. He had already said they could hang out later because he knew that he had to do his job today.

"You aren't the Leo I know." Julia said sadly. "I want my Leo back, please give him back to me."

"I'm sorry I have to go or I will be late." Leo said. He turned and walked out of the apartment to go to work and to try and help the patient that Arizona asked him to. He read the files last night, it was a simple procedure that needed to be done so it shouldn't take too long. 

News had gotten to his interns already about the simple surgery being performed but even a simple surgery was OR time. As soon as Leo had entered the hospital his interns surrounded him trying to get him to let them scrub in. The resident tried to ignore the interns but at some point he would have to tell them if they would be allowed to scrub in or not.

"Dr. Sloan, I've already caught up on the case and-"

"All of you be quiet right now." Leo said. He had been walking down the hall for a moment to turn and look at the interns trailing after him. "You all want OR time right?"

"Yes Dr Sloan." Arthur said.

"Okay then, since all of you have read up on the case already then I have another way to choose which two of you will be scrubbing in." Leo said with a smile. "One of you has to get Nurse Olivia to say you should join me in the OR and the other has to get Nurse Tyler. Seem fair?" 

"Is this you teaching us a lesson on respecting nurses?" Kase asked. 

"Yep. They wont recommend you to join if they don't think you should. I would hurry, I'll be in OR 2 in an hour." Leo said before walking away leaving his interns to scramble to find the two nurses he mentioned. Leo chuckled as he walked through the hallways and towards the front of the building. He was supposed to go talk to Chief Webber. 

"Leo." A female called out as he walked through the large open area at the front of the hospital. He quickly turned and saw who was standing there and walked over to them.

"Julia what are you doing here? I told you I have to work."

"I know, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I got mad but I shouldn't have." Julia said. She held up a cup that was probably full of coffee. "You left in a hurry and could get any so I brought you some. I made it how you like it."

"Thanks Jules." Leo said taking the cup of coffee from her.

"I'll see you at home okay." Julia said with a smile. Leo nodded as the girl turned and walked away. She waved before leaving the hospital. Leo sighed as he took a sip of the coffee and headed upstairs with his meeting with Webber.

Less then an hour later Leo was walking towards the OR where he would be preforming the simple surgery. The two interns who happened to get approval were Jemma and Kase which meant they would be scrubbing in.

Leo looked at the coffee that was getting way too cool for his liking that was still in his hands. He had only taken a few sips of it and if he didn't drink it now it most likely would be a waste. The resident drank as much of the warmish liquid as he could before properly disposing of the cup and heading to the OR.

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