Chapter 16

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"Jemma you're helping Addison today, I don't care what she says I need someone on her team that I know." Leo said. The resident had meet with his interns and after they completed rounds he started to give out assignments. Leo had sent Arthur to work with Derek especially after what happened that morning. Everyone needed some time to process and they all processed things differently.

"Why am I-"

"It's a personal case, just make sure everything is okay." Leo said. Jemma nodded before heading off to meet up with Addison to see what she could do to help. The resident started to walk away without giving Kase a task just yet which confused the intern. Kase ran after Leo and tried to keep up with the resident to figure out what he might want him to do.

"Um, Dr. Sloan." Kase finally said after a moment of Leo saying nothing to him. Leo hummed in response instead of verbally saying something. "Why have you not assigned me anywhere else?"

"Because Dr. Blackwell, today you are sticking with me and today we are working in Peds."

Kase stood in a hallway looking into one of the rooms in peds talking with one of the young kid patients. The kids parents had gone down to the cafeteria to get lunch and the kid had gotten scared. Leo had gone in there and was just working on calming down the kid. Kase had no clue what Leo had said to the kid but right now they were laughing so that seemed to be what mattered

"He's really good at that." The intern turned to see another peds surgeon that he had met before. Her name was Arizona Robbins, she was also one of Leo's best friends.

"Oh yeah he is." Kase nodded.

"If he gave you a job I suggest getting it done or he wont be happy." Arizona said with a smile. Kase nodded again at the doctor with higher power then him as he moved to get to doing his job. Arizona stood near Kase's old spot as she watched the little kids parents arrive back to the room and Leo left it.

"What did you go with my intern?" Leo asked Arizona.

"He just went to do his job. I didn't do anything." Arizona said.

"Yeah sure you didn't." Leo mumbled.

"Have you thought about-"

"Oh looks like I have another patient to see right now." Leo said with a smile as he started to walk away from Arizona.

"Leo, you can't avoid it forever." Arizona said. Leo turned and shrugged while walking backwards. Arizona had a small smile as Leo turned back around and continued to walk as he went to do his job to keep himself distracted for the day.

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