Chapter 43

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Leo Sloan couldn't say he was a friendly person. As a kid it had always been a problem with him, he wasn't really the best at making friends. In the end he didn't really care though, those who wanted to be his friends found him and people Callie, Arizona, and Derek were the ones who he stuck with.. but now his life felt like it was being thrown down the garbage disposal and he didn't know which parts were going to survive.

"Derek realize I don't do camping right? Like I hate camping." Leo asked as he stood outside Meredith's home, which he had been staying in with Izzie, Meredith, and George.

"If Burke is having Richard and George come you are coming." Derek spoke. "I need you to come."

"Yeah I don't sleep on the ground and I definitely don't eat fish which I'm assuming is apart of your plan." Leo responded. 

"Marks working today, if we aren't there who's going to help you avoid him." Derek said. "Please Leo."

Leo scoffed, like he had a problem avoiding mark. He's been doing that on his own just fine. "Fine, I'm not sharing a tent with the intern and you owe me."

Leo sighed before heading inside to put together a quick bag. This was going to be rough.

To Derek's surprise Leo had a tent, which he put up quicker then most of the others before he moved away from where the others were setting up. Either to Derek's dismay or maybe his pleasure Leo seemed to take his own space as he started to move away from the camp and the others. Others had grown to be a lot more then they expected adding in Alex, Joe, his boyfriend Walter, and somehow both Kase and Arthur.

Derek watched his friend move away from the chosen camp sight, debating if he should follow after him but after a minute he decided it would be best to let him be. He knew Leo could distance himself sometimes and if he wanted to be near people right now he would choose to be. The least Derek could do after dragging him out to camp was give him space when it seemed like he wanted it.

Leo didn't fish with the others, that was something he refused to do. He was a doctor, he save things not killed them. He did of course try to warn Derek about this before he came out into the woods with them but he still got dragged along. So now he just walked along the edge of the river the others were fishing in.

He walked along the edge of the rocks, taking the terrain as a challenge in the hiking boots as he headed away from the others. The farther away from the others he got the more peaceful it became. The voices dimmed as the flowing water took over as the sound in his head. 

Leo never really had chances to camp growing up but the new times he had they hadn't been his favorite experiences. He actually didn't care about the dirt or sleeping on the ground. He remembered going camping with friends before and their tent had a see through part of the roof, it had been his favorite thing to look up at the stars those nights. It was the people and other experiences he didn't like. The random fights, the activities that had been forced on them even if they just wanted to hike our hang out at camp.. Leo just liked nature by itself. Maybe he should try camping by himself one day.

For now Leo just most at the edge of the rocks until-"

"Hey Dr. Sloan-"

Leo turned his head towards the voice... And that's when he missed the next step.

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