Chapter 3

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Leo was woken up by the closing of a door down the hallway. The resident yawned as he sat up and stretched waking up for the day. He would have had to wake up soon anyway so it did not matter to him if the noise woke him up or not.

"You don't have to sleep on the couch." A women said standing in the hallway looking at the waking up resident.

"Yeah I did, Jules." Leo stood up and headed towards the bedroom in his apartment. "I'll be on call tonight so I won't be home until tomorrow night."

"Will you stop pretending I don't exist by then?" Julia, the girl, asked. She had walked into the room while Leo was getting changed

"I'm not-"

"Leo come on. Something is wrong and you won't tell me." Julia said. The girl walked forward and gently put her hand on the residents shoulder only for Leo to pull away. "How about this, tonight I'll go out and get some groceries and tomorrow I will make us dinner and we can talk about this?"

Okay Jules." Leo said softly looking at Julia.

"Yay. I'll see you later" The girl said happily leaving the room.

"Coffee?" Leo had been passing by the neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd when there was the offer of coffee. The resident just smiled and took the coffee which was held out for him. The neurosurgeon shook his head at the younger males quietness since it was unusual or at least to Derek it was unusual. "You have been avoiding me since I moved here"

"No I haven't. I have talked to you multiple times since you moved." Leo pointed out before taking a sip of the coffee. Of course Derek knew how he liked his coffee, it had not changed since they last hung out.


"I'm sorry about what my brother did. Just remember I'm not him. I wasn't your best friend and I left long before anything happened. Don't take any anger you have out on me or my interns." Leo said.

"Don't worry Leo, you don't have anything to worry about." Derek said. Leo stopped and looked at Derek for a moment without saying anything. "Looks like your interns are waiting."

"Yeah." Leo said looking over at the interns. "Maybe I'll talk to you later, Derek."

"If you plan to get on my good side by bringing me coffee I suggest not wasting your money or time." Leo said. The resident looked at the three interns standing there waiting for him to give some sort of command. There was a small moment of silence as Leo stood there looking at the impatient interns. "Where's Woods?"

"You don't.. oh you don't know." Jemma said.

"Are you going to tell me what I don't know?" Leo asked.

"We are pretty sure he left. None of his stuff is here and he didn't show up" Arthur said. Leo stood there quietly for a moment before nodding saying he heard what they had said and understood it.

"Um okay. Knight go do sutures in the pit, Porter, Blackwell you two will meet me in peds." Leo said. The resident didn't say anything else or give one of his salutes as he walked away from the group of three.

Jemma and Kase had been waiting maybe five to ten minutes for Leo who had just arrived. The residents eyes were a bit red like he had been crying but neither intern risked questioning it. Leo started down a hallway without saying anything and the two interns followed very quickly.

"Since I worked with Woods and Knight yesterday you two will be with me today" Leo said. The group of three walked into a room where a young girl sat on the bed and her grandparents waited near her.

"Blackwell." Leo said taking the chart and looking at it.

"The patient's name is Lily Kemp, she came in with-" As Kase talked Leo put the chart back in it's spot and smiled at the girl who seemed confused. Kase was talking more to the grandparents then the girl which was probably why the girl understood none of it. Leo walked forward and knelt down next to the bed to get on the girls level.

"Hey Lily, you remember that pain you felt before. Well me and a nice doctor we got rid of it and now you are going to be able to go home. Are you excited?" Leo asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Lily said happily. Leo just chuckled at the girls now enthusiastic attitude.

"Okay the doctor who are talking to your grandparents is going to take them to fill out some paperwork then you should be able to go home. I bet if you beg them they will buy you some ice cream as well" Leo said. The girls grandparents could obviously hear him but they pretended like they didn't.

"Did you bring it?" Lily asked quietly.

"Well I did promise you didn't I?" Leo pulled out a small pudding cup from his doctor coats pocket. "Got it from the cafeteria just a few minutes ago. It's still cold"

"Thank you Doctor Leo!" Lily said, happily taking the pudding cup from the resident.

"You're welcome." Leo said. He stood up as his intern finished talking with Lily's grandparents. "Your granddaughter will need a little bit of rest but she will be fine and able do everything she could once she is finished resting and letting herself heal up and get better"

"Thank you Dr. Sloan" Lily's grandmother said. Leo smiled.

"I'm just doing my job."

"Did you guys hear? Meredith Grey is carrying around part of someone's penis. Apparently a girl bit it off" Arthur said having heard about the case while doing sutures. Kase glared at the other intern talking.

"Your disgusting." Kase said.

"What? It's true! Like this girl just bit it off. So weird"

"Shut up!" Kase said. He caught the attention of some of the other people in the hospital. "That girl almost got raped, she did what she had to and you are acting like it's some sort of sick thing she did. It's just wrong."

"A few days ago you would have been talking about it as well."

"No I wouldn't have." Kase said.

"Yeah you would have. Face it Kase we only needed once say to learn everything we need to about you."

"Back down Knight or you wont see the inside of an OR as long as I can make it so" The two interns turned and saw their resident. Before they said anything else they heard a car swerve outside of the building. They turned to see a man stumble out of a van his clothes, mostly his pants, soaked in blood. He made it a few steps before collapsing.

Leo was standing in the bathroom washing the blood from his hands. Kase stood there as well trying to get answers from the resident since Leo had sent Arthur to scrub into the OR with Bailey who was working on the rape victim.

"Why did you send him in there?" Kase asked.

"You couldn't handle it" Leo said.


"Kase I don't know your attachment to this case and I don't need to know but understand that your reactions to this is not the only reason I sent him and not you" Leo said. He turned the water off and went to get a paper towel to dry them. "You want Knight to learn and change his thoughts let him see the consequences of peoples actions and he will learn to change his ways"

"Do you honestly believe that?"

"I believe your changing already. Why not him?" Leo asked before walking out of the bathroom and away from Kase leaving the intern there thinking about what was said.

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