Chapter 15

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"When I was a kid I wanted nothing more then to save the world. It was my goal to be a superhero. Maybe this is the closest I will get to that" -Kase

Leo was hoping for a normal day, which was probably not going to happen anytime soon seeing as the events that had happened recently. Not long ago George and Alex had to perform open heart surgery in an elevator or at least part of it. Leo had been there that day but had not been able to do anything to help out as that was not his field. He was also busy as well working on his own surgeries that day

"I hope we can get some sort of cool surgery today." Arthur said as he walked next to Jemma and Kase. All three were talking about what George and Alex had done. They had started calling what happened cool since two interns had been able to do that.

"Arizona, I've told you. I don't know yet okay! I just.. I need you to stop pressuring me on this." Leo said.

"Leo, he has offered you-"

"I have to think about it." Leo was walking down a hallway, his friend was following next to him trying to get news on something kind of big which Leo had told her. The questions and talking was beginning to frustrate Leo and overwhelm him more then he already was.


"Why are you pushing this so much?! Just stop!" Leo yelled. He had stopped walking and faced his friend. He took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down. "Arizona I'm sorry. Everything with Julia and"

"I get it Leo. I shouldn't have keep asking." Arizona said. Leo had a small smile once she said that.

"I didn't know you knew how to yell." Both Leo and Arizona turned as the sound of the female voice. Arizona didn't recognize here but Leo almost instantly did.

"Sav?" Leo said almost in a way indicating he didn't believe the female was actually there. Leo turned to Arizona who just nodded saying it was fine for him to go. It was obvious though that when Leo was less stressed out Arizona would start to question his choices again. Leo walked towards the other female who had started to walk down the hallway "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to Addison."

"About what?"

Leo stood near the back of the small room where Addison and their friend Savannah, nicknamed Savvy, both were. Savannah and her husband Weiss were both here apparently. They were actually two people Leo had thought he wouldn't see again at least for a while. They were good friends of his as well as Addison and Derek. When Leo moved to Seattle he had tried to keep in contact with people but after what happened between Addison and Mark the resident cut contact with all his old friends. He didn't want contact with that part of his life anymore. But when his friend comes in after their mom dies of ovarian cancer he couldn't just stop contact with them. Especially if they were worried about getting it themself.

"A positive test result isn't the end of the world Sav. It just means that you have a gene mutation that could ..."

"I know what it is. I've talked to the genetic counselor. I've been to my gynecologist... and now I'm here." Savvy said. The female moved from her spot standing near a window and she went and sat down at the table in front of Addison. "Addie, you're the best surgeon there is." Leo smiled and looked at the ground as he did so.

"True. But this isn't surgical." Addison said.

"Yes it is."

"No Sav, you understand you don't have cancer."

"And I have no intention of getting it." Savvy said

"So you want me.."

"I want you to take out my ovaries and the uterus. And when that's done ... you're gonna find the best person out there to cut off my breasts."

"Derek don't you dare." Leo said walking next to the neurosurgeon. He had heard that Weiss had already talked to Derek about this and it seemed that Derek and Addison had different ways of thinking about this. Derek didn't agree with this but Addison understood this was not just about their friendship. Leo had to say that for once he was with Addison on this one. Derek ignored Leo as he walked into the conference room that the others and Izzie Stevens were in.

"Which gives her up to an 85% chance of getting cancer Weiss." Addison had been saying when they came in

"And a 15% chance she won't." Derek said. There was a bunch of talking over each other about Derek being there and Savvy's thoughts about the chances.

"I'm sorry Derek, cause I love you and I'm really glad to see you but until you grow a uterus and watch your mother die from this disease you don't get ... you don't get a vote." Savvy said. Leo leaned against the wall. He glanced over at the intern who stood in the doorway but didn't say anything.

" She tell you that they were trying to get pregnant?" Derek asked directing the question towards Addison who said she did know. "Having a hysterectomy is gonna throw a wrench into that."

"We've been trying for months." Savvy said.

"Why give up now?" Weiss said.

"Come on. We've talked about this. There are other ways to make a family Weiss. We can adopt, we can do ..." Savvy was interrupted by Weiss who didn't seem to agree with the idea of this happening. This did not seem to go over well with Savvy who was definitely not afraid to voice her opinions to her husband.

"Let's just take a step back. Take a deep breath and think about this." Derek said trying to defuse the situation.

"I've already thought about it Derek. This... this is going to happen." Savvy said. Addison held up a patient chart and Izzie walked into the room more to get it.

"Dr. Stevens get a complete history and her pre-op labs. Get her scheduled for a double mastectomy and consult Dr. Quenar from plastics for a reconstruction." Addison said

"Addison this conversation is not over!" Derek said.

"This ... She is my patient Derek! Doing a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy and hysterectomy tomorrow. Get moving." Addison said standing up and walking out of the room. Leo sighed, this was going to be a long day.

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