Chapter 22

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Leo tightened his grip on his carry on bag as he headed towards the plane he was going to be taking to leave Seattle for a little bit. He had a plan to visit family over the holidays. Julia was supposed to be coming with him as well but one of their normal fights had come to them splitting up for the holidays.

Leo glanced down at his phone to make sure there was no text from anyone saying he was needed. There was nothing just yet as he got ready to get on to the plane. The resident did one final check on everything before he turned it off and headed to get on his plane. He was going home and no one was planning on stopping him. This was not going to end well and he knew that.

"Oh god I hate planes." Leo mumbled before he went to board.

Leo Sloan had not gone 'home' since.. It had been way too long since he had gone home. The resident had grabbed his suitcase from luggage claim before he headed to leave the airport. No matter how nervous he was he keep putting one foot in front of the other as he walked out of this building.

"Leo?" The resident stopped walking when he heard the voice. He took a deep breath before looking in that direction and at the blond haired male who was walking towards him.

"What are you doing here Mark? I told you I was coming in tomorrow." Leo said.

"Yeah but you like to lie to me. Plus, you told someone else your actual arrival date." Mark Sloan said. "Why would you lie to me?"

"Because I haven't talked to you in months Mark. I'm here for the holidays, don't make it a big deal." Leo started to walk again passing by his older brother.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Duh I need a ride."

Leo sat in the passenger seat of Mark's car as the older sibling drove towards the hotel Leo was staying in while he was in the city. The resident had been staring out of the window the whole ride so far trying to avoid any questions he could get from his brother. He was only supposed to be in for a few days then he would be going back to Seattle.

"What's the real reason you came?" Mark finally asked. Leo didn't respond to his older brothers question not wishing to explain himself. "You can either answer this question and then we can put the radio on until the hotel or you don't answer and I ask a lot of other questions."


"I know how this works Leo. You won't talk to me unless I make you."

"Maybe there is a reason I don't talk to you. You realize that right?" Leo said turning to look at Mark. "I'm not your baby brother anymore mark, I don't have to tell you everything Mark."

"I didn't say you were my baby brother." Mark moved the knob for the volume on the radio to turn it up. Leo sighed before moving forward and turning the volume down.

"I'm thinking of breaking up with Julia.. Officially." Leo looked back out the window again. Leo's eyes widened in shock at a scene he saw not far from where they were at.

"Officially? What does that mea-"

"Mark pull over now." Leo commanded. Mark looked at him confused and when doing so he saw what Leo spotted. Instantly Mark pulled to the side of the road and the two got out of the car to see police cars and ambulances arriving at the scene already. There was a crash. Leo looked over at Mark for a moment before moving forward not carrying if it was a holiday or not. People were hurt, if he could help then that was what he was doing.

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