Chapter 37

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"We're heading back to flatline." Kase and the rest of Leo's interns as well as Bailey's stood in a hospital room. They didn't know what they were doing but none of them could leave this situation right now, they were already here and there was no turning back especially without one of the residents or surgeons there to help them.

"Are you sure we used the right drugs?" Christian asked

"The book said it was the right one." George added in.

"I used the one I know!" Meredith shot back. The arguing was not helping them in the slightest as they tried to figure out what to do. Denny could possibly die and none of them had gone and told a resident at the hospital.. even if they were extremely busy they would have known what to do.

"We need to get someone else." Arthur spoke. He ran his hand through his hair as he looked at the patient in front of him. He hadn't even wanted to be involved and yet he stood there risking his job for a group who he barely knew.

"He's not going to die, right?" Izzie asked. "Right? Right?"

They all watched the heart monitor go off as the line went flat for a moment.. a moment that seemed way too long. When it came back thet could all just feel their own hearts beating quickly in their chests.

"You fools better have a good explanation for this."

The group all heard the voice and their heads turned towards the doorway to see Dr. Bailey and...


"Step away from the patient." Leo commanded as Nurse Olivia entered the room behind them. He stood behind Bailey with his own badge on allowing him access to certain parts of the hospital, even with it he let Bailey lead.. mostly.

All the interns moved away accept for Izzie.

"Step away from the patient!" Bailey said louder.

"I can't. I have to pump his heart." Izzie responded. Leo's eyes drifted to the cut LVAD wire that laid on the bed still.

"My three, out now." He commanded as Bailey started talking once more. Bailey would have this under control... Besides he wasn't legally supposed to do anything anyways, he wasnt even working that day.

The three interns that left behind him followed in silence until they reached what seemed to be a less busy hallway. That is when Leo stopped walking but he didn't face them right away.

"Dr. Sloan.." Kase started to speak but stopped when Leo finally turned to face them.

"What in your minds told you that was okay?!" Leo exclaimed. "You three are interns, you are the very bottom, no plan of yours goes through without permission of a resident especially your resident!"


"It is Dr. Sloan until you earn the right for anything else!" Leo took a deep breath to try and calm himself down. "Dr. Porter go see if Dr. Bailey needs any help."


"Dr. Porter, go before I decide that your choice to call me was not good enough." Leo pointed off towards the direction they had come from. "Go."

The girl just nodded before she moved to run off and away from them. That just left Arthur and Kase left to deal with their angry resident.. no angry wasn't even the right word. There wasn't a word to describe what he is feeling.

"Dr. Sloan, we didn't meant to." Kase spoke.

"I was dragged into the room." Arthur said.

"I do not care if you were dragged into that room or walked into yourself. You were both in that room and neither of you tried to get in contact with anyone!" Leo said loudly. He let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his messy hair.. honestly he was just a mess in general.

"What can we do-" Kase started to speak but got cut off.

"You two can not do anything to change any of your actions." Leo moved forward. "You two as well as Jemma will receive whatever punishment is seen fit for you all."


"And do not even think you will not face the punishment I decided when I come back." Leo stated.

Kase and Arthur exchanged glances before Kase asked. "You aren't back?"

Leo shook his head no. "I am leaving, you two are to follow Dr. Bailey's instructions to the letter. Do you understand?"

"Yes Dr. Sloan." Both interns responded at about the same time.

"Good, now go!"

Leo watched the two quickly move away and to find Dr. Bailey again. He let out a sigh.. why was all of this happening? He knew the basic story and details around it... So why didn't it make any sense? Why did he feel like something was missing and how was he supposed to figure out what it was?

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