Chapter 51

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"Gray said we can go to her house to study tonight." Jemma spoke as she, Arthur and Kase, exited the locker room. She pulled her hair up as she moved, the three of them preparing for one if not the most important test of their intern lives.

"You realize that group is going to eat us alive while studying right?" Arthur asked. "George has his wife's study cards, and Christina is one of the best in at least cardio."

"So? We are good at things to!" Jemma responded. "Besides, don't make this into a competition."

"They are going to do that themselves." Kase mumbled.

"Interns exams are coming up so I know you guys are probably going to be doing a lot of studying." The group of three froze at the voice that came out into the hallway. 

"Dr. Sloan!" Jemma smiled with her exclamation."

Leo send her a warning look. "This is still a hospital."

Jemma, Kase, and Arthur, stopped in front of their resident forming a line. Leo scoffed as he looked over the line of interns. Some jumping, well some being Jemma, and others completely avoiding eye contact.

"I'll give you all 30 seconds for questions as long as they aren't about my trip." Leo said. He glanced at the clock on the wall. "And go."

"Is it true you were ranked second in your intern tests?"

"Did you really study with Callie Torres?" 

"Can we get her cards?"

"Can you help us study?" 

Leo let out a sigh, holding up his hand to stop the group from talking anymore. He gave the group a moment to go quiet before pushing himself away from the table. He spun and grabbed his charts for the day.

"Yes I ranked second, yes I studied with Torres, no you can't get her cards but I'll give mine to the first who asks after work." Leo made sure to quickly throw those last words in. He wasn't in the mood for fighting over stupid cards. "And finally, do you guys remember where I live?" 

"You live with Meredith, Alex, and Izzie!" Arthur came to the realization on what Leo was applying. 

"Arthur you are in the pit, Kase the clinic, and Jemma you are working with Montgomery today. Use your downtime to study you have two weeks people." Leo started to walk away from his interns. "And by the way, it is a competition."

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