Chapter 29

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Cristina and Dylan were both saying how stupid Meredith was for doing what she did. Dylan helped was helping the girl, who they were calling stupid, put on one of the flak jackets on. Cristina had helped Kase who had refused to move from his position as he continued to make sure their patient was getting air into his lungs. He had been very persistent on staying. His exact words happened to be "I'm not leaving until Meredith does." He wasn't leaving anyone behind.

" It was Mer. Incredibly stupid!" Cristina insulted.

"Ok you know when you don't need to be made fun of? Like when you've got your hand inside a body that's got a bomb in it and a stranger is Velcro-ing a flak jacket to your boobs." Meredith snapped back at her.

"You've got a sense of irony." Dylan commented.

"Only when things are really ironic." Meredith said. There was another quick exchange of words that Kase did not wish to pay attention to as they waited for Burke to arrive. The intern was staring down at his own hands only glancing up occasionally to look at Meredith. He needed to keep himself focused and calm as well and that could be understood. He was refusing to leave a room with a bomb in it, who wouldn't need to be calm.

"Time for you to go." Burke had walked in without Kase noticing. He was talking to Cristina right now. The other intern had tried to insist on staying right now. "There's nothing more you can do here. We've got it covered. Cristina, this is not another cool surgery. This ammo can go off at any time and kill everyone in this room. Do you get that? You can not be in here."

"Do you think this is about surgery..." Cristina didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Burke whispered something to her that made her stop.

"We'll be fine." Meredith added once Burke stopped talking. "It's ok."

Kase and Meredith watched as Cristina walked out of the room leaving them, Burke, and Dylan in the room. Kase reached out and gently put one of his hands on her free arm to be comforting. Meredith looked up at him thankful for him staying with her no matter what happened. Meredith had tears in her eyes as she turned to look over at Dylan.

"So you have a plan right? You have a way to get me out of this right?"

"Kase you should leave." Meredith said as she looked at the intern who had gone back to just staring at his hands. His hands shook as he tried to get himself to continue what he was doing. There was silence between the two interns as they stood there, Kase was not responding and Meredith was just watching his actions. "Kase you can walk away from this."

"No I can't. I'm not leaving you here alone Meredith." Kase finally responded.


"I know I'm not your friend, okay? I'm not like Izzie, or Cristina, or George and I might not know you as well as some others but I'm not leaving here if you are still standing here holding a bomb." Kase said.

"If we make it out of here then we are definitely friends." Meredith said using this conversation to keep herself calm as well.

"I think I can agree to that." Kase replied before the door opened. The two interns watched Burke go to the door and start to have a very quiet conversation Dylan who had left for a few minutes prior. Burke glanced up at the interns before turning back to Dylan. Just the simple look was able to get into Meredith's head.

"Stop it. I'm not a patient." Meredith called out.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"The two of you are looking at me the way we look at patients. Like I'm going to freak out at any minute. I'm not gonna freak out so whatever it is just tell me straight out." Meredith said calmly. Burke moved forward and looked at the interns.

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