Chapter 31

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Mark Sloan had finished the surgery that he had gotten here at Seattle Grace. He had spent his time focusing on that rather than his brother because he knew if he thought about it then he might not be able to think clearly about anything else. Right now he just needed to push past it all until he had finished that surgery.

Mark Sloan walked through the hospital and towards a room not many were allowed into. The surgery did not end well and the patient did not make it in the end. With that done and knowing what was going on with others there was not many reasons for him to stay. But there was still one reason why and that was the exact reason he was still there.

The plastic surgeon opened the door and saw someone was already sitting in the hospital room already. The person in the room did not seem to notice the presence of the new person to enter the room as he was too busy just talking.

"I heard Dr. Shepherd punched someone, I can't believe I missed it. I guess they had to deserve it if he did that."

"Maybe they did." Mark said. The person sitting in the chair jumped and quickly turned around to see Mark in the doorway.

"Oh I'm sorry. I was just-"

"You're fine." Mark said. He pushed himself away from the doorway and moved deeper into the room. The boy who had sat in the chair stood up quickly and he was able to realize who was standing there. It was Mark Sloan, Leo's older brother. Of course he would eventually learn about what happened and would come.

"I'm sorry. Dr. Sloan.. Leo is my resident and I-"

"I already said your fine." Mark didn't make any comments, he could not even think of one at the moment. "Blackwell right?"


"Your friends are loud and like to talk. Dr. Knight tried to get involved with my case today." Mark said. He didn't exactly know why he was saying something to this intern. He had no reason to be, they meant nothing to him.

"Well Cristina is into cardio so I think he is trying to find a different specialty." Kase said nervously. "I should get going before Chief Webber makes me leave again."


"Visiting hours are over, I sometimes lose track of time." Kase responded. He moved forward and walked pass the plastic surgeon leaving the room to go home.

"Seems like you have some good friends." Mark commented even though he knew he wouldn't get any sort of reply. The older sibling sighed as he walked over and took the seat which Kase had been sitting in before. Carefully Mark reached out and held his brothers hand.

"I guess you are happy here." Mark said quietly. "Or at least you were." Mark looked down at the ground for a moment. The plastic surgeon wanted to say something but couldn't bring himself to continue speaking. Mark sighed before standing up and headed to the door like the intern had earlier.

"I'll come back tomorrow." Mark said quietly before he walked out of the hospital room and he headed out for the night. He was unaware of how quickly he would be coming back.

Mark reached out for his phone which had rang with an alert of him getting a text message. The older Sloan brother grabbed the charged phone to see what exactly what someone wanted from him this early in the morning. The bright screen that showed when Mark opened his phone was enough to wake anyone up. Quickly, in an attempt to be able to get back to sleep, the plastic surgeon pressed the notification and read what it said. The words there happened to make Mark sit up and start getting ready to leave.

'Leo's awake'

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