Chapter 6

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"Are sure your cleared for surgery if you dislocate your shoulder-"

"Porter I swear if you ask one more time I'm sending you over to help Bailey" Leo threatened. With his shoulder he had been off of surgeries until Callie had cleared him. Until that point Leo had been doing work that didn't involve heavy things or things that could lead to him hurting himself again.

"Sorry Dr. Sloan" Jemma said.

"Blackwell, I have a patient in room 301 go prepare them for surgery and you can scrub in." Leo said. He handed the patient chart of Kase who eagerly took it and went off to do what was said. Leo stopped walking in front of the OR board checking to make sure the surgery was still on the schedule.

"Leo can I have on of your interns?" Derek asked walking by.

"Um Porter go" Leo said waving the girl away. Jemma nodded before going with Derek.

"Do you hate me?" Arthur asked. Leo turned to look at the remaining intern.

"Why would you believe that?" Leo asked.

"You are letting Kase scrub in on a surgery and sent Jemma to work with Shepherd." Arthur pointed out. Leo crossed his arm and looked at his intern who was questioning his choices. Arthur wanted to step away from the resident realizing that he had messed up big time questioning Leo's choices. "I.. um"

"Before my shoulder you were the last person who I allowed to scrub in. I am not treating you any differently than them I am making sure you all get OR time. Kase is getting to do it today because he arrived early did pre rounds and filled me in on what I needed to know about my patient before I could ask." Leo took a step towards Arthur. "He gets to scrub in because he took an extra step. Now go to the pit your annoying me."

Izzie walked through the hallway and pass one of the desks only to find herself stopping. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a certain resident sitting at the nurse station looking disappointed as he stared at the OR board. Izzie took a few steps back and turned towards the resident.

"What's wrong?"

"My first surgery since I got hurt is no longer happening today. They needed the OR." Leo said sadly. The surgery he was supposed to be performing today was not one in immediate need so when the need for an OR came up they had to make a choice and Leo's surgery was the one that got taken off the board and rescheduled. Izzie looked at the slightly upset resident before something came to mind.

"Want to come to a party?"

"Are you just inviting me because you think I'm sad?" Leo asked offended.

"No. It's not like that." Izzie stopped talking when she heard the laughter of the resident.

"Sorry. You can keep going if you want" Leo laughed. Izzie smiled for some reason that she didn't quite know. "I'm technically your boss would you actually be okay with me going?"

"Yeah. Your a nice person. I don't think the others would mind either." Izzie said.

"Okay then, I'll be there."

Kase Blackwell, Jemma Porter, and Arthur Knight had all been invited to this party being thrown. They had all gone because they had nothing else to do plus there was no reason for them not to. None of them arrived together and they didn't really see each other there until the owner of the house had come in and seemed not really happy as she went over to George. They only saw each other then by chances of quick glances. None of them were really friends so none of them made a move to talk to each other and elected to just trying to get drunk instead while having a good time.

Kase found himself walking outside the house getting a fresh breeze of cool air which was a significant change for the heat of inside. He stumbled a little as he walked forward but stopped when he noticed someone who he had seen leave the party just a few minutes before.

"Dr. Sloan?" Kase said confused. Leo turned to look at the intern.

"Yeah I get invited to parties too. Also we aren't at the hospital just call me Leo" The resident said.

"You're leaving the party so soon" Kase said. He walked forward a little bit more but tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground. Leo watched the clumsy drunk intern for a moment before moving forward to help him up.

"Parties aren't my thing especially when the person who invites me isn't here and the owner of the house is mad" Leo said.

"Meredith? I don't think she's that mad anymore since she is drinking right now" Kase laughed.

"Why are you leaving the party then?"

"Hmm I don't know. I was probably going home" Kase said trying to figure out his train of thought which lead him to be out here.

"You're drunk, let me drive you home." Leo said.

"And you aren't drunk? I saw you drinking something" Kase accused. Leo looked at him annoyed before holding of what he had been drinking. It was water. "Water.. you don't drink?"

"I don't drink at parties like this. Just let me take you home Kase." Leo said. The intern nodded agreeing to go. Leo mentally thanked him for not putting up a fight for this. Leo and Kase started to walk towards the street where Leo would take them to his car but Kase stopped walking. The intern turned to the side and threw up. Leo sighed as he stood there next to the intern.

"I'm sorry" Kase mumbled.

"Whatever it doesn't matter, it's not my neighborhood" Leo joked. Kase smiled before straightening up and walking, the best he could, with Leo again until they made it to the residents car. There were multiple comments from Leo about Kase throwing up in his car but they were all completely ignored.

"I need your address" Leo said getting in the driver's seat. Kase had already gotten in the passenger seat. When there was no response Leo looked over and saw the intern passed out asleep in the passenger seat. This was going to be a long night.

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