Chapter 41

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Leo Sloan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the OR board in front of him. He wasn't surprised to see his name on the board but at the same time he was highly irritated. Of course his name wasnt on the bored. God he hated Richard right now. He could handle himself and this is how he was being treated... He hated Richard.

"Dr. Sloan." 

Leo turned his head to look at the surgeon standing next to him. "My name's off the board again Derek."

"I'm sure-"

"Richard doesn't think I can handle it, you know that." Leo said. He crossed his arms as he looked at the board. It wasn't too much for him. Just because he almost died in the OR.. just because he had to cut off contact with his girlfriend.. just because he had to pick up and move his entire life to live with interns didn't mean he couldn't handle his normal life.

"Izzie is standing outside the building, one of my best friends is dating George and still somehow ended up staying in a hotel, and my name's not on the OR board. How could today be any worse?"

"That's not a wise question to ask." Derek responded. 

"I'm not superstitious Derek." Leo turned to look at the one who stood next to him. 

"There is superstition in avoiding superstition." Derek said.

Leo rolled his eyes. "Don't quote things to me Derek."

Derek smiled at the person who he had grown up with, he was just happy Leo was back and talking to him still. They just had to get through this day now. 

"Come on, you three aren't being set loose into the hospital yet." Leo spoke as he travelled through the hospital with his interns.

He already had some things planned for his interns but he did enjoy the idea of making them wait as he went to the nurses station. Somehow it seemed to be the place of being at the time as Derek, Addison, Bailey, and her interns were all there.

"Ah, having a get together I see." Leo spoke as he leaned on the high ledge of the nurses desk. He was smiling until he saw where everyone was standing. He turned his head and...

"Oh my god." Leo pushed himself away from the counter as he stood up straight as he looked straight at his brother in the hospital again

"Is that.." Arthur started.

"Mcsteamy." Christina said. 

The sound of puking got the resident to turn around but his attention was quickly drawn to George as he yelled. "No, Mr. Sullivan, don't light that!"

And everything burst into a fit of chaos.

"Hey Meredith how are you doing?" Leo asked as he walked into the hospital room that Meredith was laying on a bed in. 

"Good." Meredith said holding out the word slightly. 

"Ah the morphine." Leo said noticing the IV the girl had. He smiled as he moved into the room and towards the empty chair that sat next to the bed. "Guessing Christina was here."

"Your brothers here, what are you going to do about it?" Meredith asked.

"It seems drugged Meredith gets straight to the point." Leo smiled as the girl nodded. "Well it's a big hospital and I've been able to avoid him this long."

"Like you've been able to avoid Kase?" Meredith asked.

Leo's smile dropped. "You don't know what your talking about." 

"Don't be McStupid." Meredith responded. 

"So that's my Mc name?" Leo asked. He earned a head shake from Meredith. His smile formed again as he looked at the girl. "So what is it?"

"I can't tell you that." Meredith responded. 

 "Well I guess I'm just going to have to convince you to tell me."

"Good luck." 

Leo smiled. This was going to be a long day.

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