Chapter 13

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A beeping interrupted Leo's thoughts as he walked through the hospital. He sighed as he glanced down at his pager. The resident was making his way to answer the page when he got another one almost identical to the last one coming from the same person. There was little to no hesitation as Leo started to run in the direction he needed to be going just to get there faster.

"Dr. Sloan." Kase was near the beginning of the hallway when Leo got there. The resident had quickly slowed down to a walk when seeing the intern.

"What's going on?" Leo asked.

"It's Jem.. Dr Porter." Kase said.

"Blackwell tell me exactly what happened"

Leo knelt down in front of his intern who was sitting in a chair in the hallway. Jemma was looking everywhere but at the resident and other interns that were there.

"Jemma, what happened?" Leo asked using the interns first name.

"I.. I was checking on Mr. Carter between some of my other patients and.." the intern looked down at her shaking hands. Tears rolled down her cheeks despite her efforts to not cry right now.

"He hurt her, Dr. Sloan." Arthur said.

"Knight, check with Dr. Porter for injuries. When she is ready she can leave for the day." Leo said standing up.

"Dr. Sloan where are you going?" Kase asked as the resident started to walk away. Leo didn't answer but Kase had a small guess.

"Patients don't get to hit my interns Dr. Webber!" Leo yelled as he walked next to Webber. The resident was beyond furious and that was pretty obvious and everyone around was avoiding his anger.

"Dr. Sloan-"

"If you are still letting him get a surgery here put someone else on his case because I sure as hell won't be doing it." Leo said. The resident glanced to the side as the walked next to the OR board. He stopped walking as he read a name on there. Webber noticed the instant change from the residents previous anger.


"My shift ends in a few hours. I'm going home to my girlfriend, I don't want to be paged unless absolutely necessary. Please." Leo said.

"Okay Dr. Sloan." Webber said. Leo nodded but didn't move from his spot just yet. Webber stood there for a moment before walking away leaving Leo there staring at Cristina's name on the OR board.

"Leo?!" A female voice called out when she heard her apartment door open. The girl ran out of the bedroom and saw the resident who had just closed the door.


"Oh my god. I'm sorry please don't leave me." Julia ran over the the resident hugging him while crying. "I love you please you can't leave me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay Julia." Leo said quietly. "Let's just.. let's go to bed. I'm tired."

"Oh okay." Julia backed away from Leo and wiped away her tears as they headed towards the bedroom to get some sleep.

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