Chapter 39

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Kase didn't usually like to get drunk but that night he planned on getting wasted.

"Leo I think I.."

"Dr. Sloan, I'm sorry to interrupt but Izzie needs you." 

Kase knew he shouldn't be mad at the interruption from one of the nurses but he still felt like he was. Or he had felt like he was until he was well into his second drink. He was no longer on that second one though and instead of fifth.. or maybe sixth? He wasn't sure he lost count a while ago. 

"How many drinks are we going to let him have?" 

Kase wasn't the only one to make it to Joe's bar that night, Jemma and Arthur had arrived shortly after he did and had taken up seats not far from his.

"It doesn't really matter does it?" Arthur asked in response to Jemmas question. "He was finally going to tell him and that's all gone."

"But it's not either of their faults. Izzie is upset and Leo went to help her." Jemma said. She sighed as she sipped at the water she had ordered. At least one of them needed to be drive later that night. 

Both of the interns let out their own sighs as they continued to watch their friend drink away his sorrows without so much as a care in the world. He would drink until Joe cut him off or he was blacked out somewhere for Arthur and Jemma to take him back to his house, or he would crash on one of their couches for the night. 

At least that was how it was supposed to happen. 

What was not supposed to happen was the door to the bar swinging open and Leo Sloan walking in.

"Leo what can I get you?" Joe asked noticing him instantly. 

The resident moved and sat down not far from where the interns were but he didn't even glance their way as he ordered a drink. He paid for it then having not intentions on drinking more then the one shot.

"If you're going to stare you might as well make it less suspicious." 

Jemma and Arthur exchanged glances as Leo turned his head to look their way. 

"Dr. Sloan-" Arthur started but was quickly stopped by Kase speaking.

"Leo I know I might be breaking your rules but I like you and I want to be friends.. no more then friends like a lot more then friends.." 

Silence over took the three interns, the resident, and the bartender who was listening to this whole conversation. It took a moment but Leo stood up, drank the shot that he had bought, and turned to face the other three as he ignored Kase for a moment. 

"Jemma can you take him home? He's drank too much." Leo spoke. He got a nod from the girl so he turned and moved away from the bar


Leo Sloan didn't look back.. but after everything that's happened to him.. when has he ever looked back? When has he ever had a reason to?

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