Chapter 36

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Leo moved through the halls of the empty house he was in. Water from his damp hair dropped onto his clothes as he moved down the stairs to the kitchen. The other residents of the house were gone to work. Did he even count as a resident of the house? He was just a guest here until he got a new place to stay... or until he was able to go home... home.

He moved through the kitchen quietly and towards the cabinets, where he would find a cup to get water. He was alone in this large empty house. It wasn't the first time, but each day he moved through the house, it just seemed so new and wrong. Why was he here? Why couldn't he just figure out what to do?

"Leo, when are you coming home? I miss you."

Leo let out a small sigh as the familiar and almost loving voice echoed in his mind. It was becoming exhausting to stand there and listen to it repeatedly in his head twenty-four seven. Every time he heard it, his chest tightened, and it felt like the breath had been knocked out of him; he wasn't sure if it was out of fear or sadness. He wasn't sure what he wanted to feel in the first place.

"Why are you leaving me again? Do you not love me?"

"I do love you," Leo said quietly.

"Then come home. Come back to me."

"I... I can't, Julia." Leo choked on his words as he spoke with a shaky voice. He placed his cup on the counter as his hands started to shake in front of his body.

"I miss you, Leo. You're always staying away from me."

He moved one hand to cover his mouth. He tried to hold back his tears as he stood there trying to clear his mind from the voice that was speaking to him at that very moment. 

A ringing happened to shoot through Leo's thought and distract him momentarily. He pulled his phone from his pocket and didn't look at the ID before he decided to answer it.

"Hello?" Leo asked quietly, barely being able to get his words out.

"Dr. Sloan-"

"Jemma?" Leo took a deep breath as he started to gain the ability to actually speak once more. Something had to be wrong if Jemma was calling him right now.

"I'm sorry we were told not to call you but everything is going bad and.." The girl went on rambling not getting to her point. Had she even stated her point yet? No, Leo would remember if she had started by giving the reason she was calling him at this time of the day when she was supposed to be working.

"Jemma what's going on?" Leo asked randomly cutting in.

"I think Izzie is about to do something that could get a patient killed.. I don't know what to do. Please help us.

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