Chapter 8

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"I'm going to do you a favor and take one of your interns off your hands for the day." Arizona said walking past the resident Leo Sloan and his interns. She hesitated for a moment and waved Kase Blackwell to follow her. The intern hesitated and looked up at the resident who was looking at a chart, Leo did not look up once. Kase sighed before walking to follow Arizona towards Peds.

"Why are you mad at Kase?" Jemma asked. The resident looked up at his interns before looking back down at the chart he was looking up before.

"If you care so much about Blackwell then do with him." Leo closed the chart as he started to walk off. Jemma looked back in the direction Kase was walking with Arizona before turning back towards where Leo and Arthur were heading and she ran off after them.

"Porter, your going to be on the code team today." Leo said. The intern was about to give Arthur his assignment when his pager went off. Leo glanced down at it seeing where he was wanted. "Knight come with me we are going to the pit."

"What do we have?" Leo asked as one of the interns in the pit walked to him and Arthur. The intern had come out into the hall and saw Leo and Arthur arrived and decided to fill them in before hand.

"Car crash patient, adult female. We have no identification for her." The intern said.

"Why am I needed?" Leo asked.

"She asked for you by name, she wont let anyone touch her." The intern said. The resident nodded and said he would handle it as he walked into the pit. The male stopped walking as soon as his eyes laid down on the person.

"Dr. Sloan?" Arthur questioned his residents moment of hesitation. Leo shook his head convincing himself to keep walking and before he even got over to the patient they turned to him noticing he was there.

"Leo!" The girl exclaimed. Leo took a deep breath as he and Arthur stopped near the girl.

"What happened Jules?"

"Ow" Julia mumbled. Leo rolled his eyes.

"You can't feel it right now." Leo said.

"But it got you to talk to me." Julia said. The girl watched Leo finish the sutures he had been doing. He had sent his intern off help in other parts of the pit. "Leo, I told you he would come. He wanted to hurt me."


"Please Leo! Believe me!" Julia begged with tears in her eyes. Leo looked at the girl and nodded.

"Okay I believe you." The girl reached out and grabbed Leo's hand thankful for what he had said. The resident pulled his hand from her grasp almost like it harmed him to be touched by her. Leo looked down at the ground.

"Thank you, Leo."

Leo's three interns sat in the hospital cafeteria. Kase seemed the least pleased out of all of them for sure but to be fair it did look like he had changed multiple times already and had to take a shower before coming to eat. Kase leaned back in his chair as they sat there in silence not talking to each other yet.

"Leo left earlier today with a girl." Arthur finally said. The other two looked over at him, both of them seemed to become interested when this was mentioned. "Her name was Julia."

"Dr. Sloan has a girlfriend? Or do you think its his wife?" Jemma asked.

"Not a wife, no ring" Arthur said.

"So?" Kase asked. The male didn't see what a ring had to do with anything. Leo could still be married and not wear a ring at work. "Why the hell are we even arguing about this?!" Kase stood up and walked away from the two other interns leaving them both confused. 

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