Chapter 9

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Leo rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sat in his chair in the cafeteria. In front of him sat a small tablet with a video which he was playing over and over again. He heard metal move against the ground as someone sat in the chair across from him. The resident had not looked up to see who had come.

"You look like you need this." Leo finally looked up and saw who was sitting there.

"Hmm, hey Callie." Leo hummed. He picked up the coffee that had been placed in front of him and took a sip of it.

"What are you watching?"

"Footage taken from someone else's car. Police got it after Julia crashed." Leo said. He restarted the video and let it play again.

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah she'll be fine. She's going to the police station later to try and get a restraining order on her ex boyfriend." Leo took a second to yawn before he continued to talk. "Claims she wants him to stop trying to ruin our lives."

"Leo you can't just let her-"

"I've tried talking her out of going to the police station already, she is ignoring me though." Leo said.

"You need to try-" Callie looked down at the tablet just as the car that belonged to Julia swerved off the road and went straight into a tree... Nothing and no one was in front of her car. Leo stood up and grabbed the tablet, about to walk away.

"You try to tell her that her ex boyfriend is..."

Leo rolled his eyes, today was not the day he wanted to be dealing with everything that happened to be going on. Especially not things that he felt were unnecessary to him. The resident was currently standing in the back of the crowd staying pretty well hidden amongst the others who filled the meeting room, most of whom didn't want to be there either.

"Three interns, four residents and six nurses on this surgical floor have been diagnosed with...syphilis." Webber said.

"There are over 70,000 new cases every year. Undiagnosed, syphilis can lead to blindness, insanity and death." Patricia, an administrative assistant at the hospital, said.

"If you are having unprotected sex with another member of the staff, get tested. This is not a request." Webber said. There was laughter and giggle from some in the room. Leo quietly moved past the other doctors around them and towards the door and leaving the room.

"Dr. Sloan." The doctor turned towards the person who had called for him.

"What do you want Derek?" Leo asked. The resident keep walking making the attending follow after him if he wanted to talk.

"I need your help with a surgery" Derek said quietly. Was this supposed to be some kind of secret surgery?

"What surgery?" Leo asked. The resident stopped walking and looked over at the attending waiting for him to tell him exactly what was going on. Derek looked around for a moment seeing who was around, this definitely seemed like a secret surgery. "Derek who's the surgery for?"

"The chief"

"What do you need me to do?"

"Shepherd is performing a surgery in the OR right now" Arthur said walking past the nurses station where Leo had made himself comfortable as he looked at a chart. Right now it was just Arthur and Kase together, Jemma was off hopefully doing her job wherever she was.

"Maybe he will let us watch from the gallery." Kase suggested.

"Ay, Blackwell, Knight." Leo called out catching the interns attentions. He watched them sigh as they turned to face him. "Don't sigh. Blackwell go get the labs I ordered. Knight, I want you taking over these patients right now." Leo gestured towards some charts which sat stacked on the desk.

"This are Meredith Grey's patients." Arthur said looking at them.

"Did I ask?" Leo asked annoyed. Meredith was busy with the Chief's surgery and Leo said he would hand her patients to someone else at least temporarily. "Just get to work. I get to go home soon so complain to someone else then."

Leo had driven to the police station before going home after getting a text telling him exactly where Julia had gone. She had decided to text Leo because she needed a ride home since her car was not fixed and she had just got a friend to give her a ride to the station in the first place. Leo of course said he would give her a ride home. He was going to be here for Julia even once she knew.

Leo had fallen asleep in the car as he waited for Julia, she had not texted him in a while and it was incredibly late at night. A small tapping sound on his window woke him up from his dreamless sleep. He jumped and looked out the window to see Julia standing there. He quickly unlocked the door to the passengers side. Julia walked to the other side and got into the car.

"Everything go okay?" Leo asked tiredly.

"He's dead." Julia said slightly in shock as she sat down. "They say he has been dead for two years."

"I told you that your ex-"

"Can we just go home?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, we can go home."Leo sighed as he turned the car on and drove away from the police station to go home.

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