Chapter 48 - And So He Returns

Start from the beginning

"It is not confirmed yet!" I said looking around and everyone just chuckled.

The evening continued in a really wholesome manner. We all set up the living room to have a nice movie night. We dragged every mattress, pillow and blanket we could find and placed them in a way so that everyone had a comfortable place to reside. Claire, Sienna and I decided to take on the snack's duty, whilst Vinchenzo and the Borgati twins went out to collect firewood and Dante was in charge of getting the movie to work. We had agreed to watch Home Alone as it was an iconic Christmas movie.

"Definitely skittles!" Claire grinned as she cut open the bag and spilled it into the popcorn bucket.

"I heard almonds are good with popcorn too," Sienna said as she set out all the chocolate bars onto a silver tray.

"You can check if we have."

"I'll look!" I volunteered.

I checked several cabinets but found nothing. They had some of the most random things ever.

"I only found pistachios." I said grabbing the large bag, "Do we have mince samosas by any chance?"

I was seriously craving them for some reason.

Claire chuckled, "An odd request. I think we have some in the freezer."

I opened the freezer and sure enough, there was a pack of frozen samosas. I ripped open the packaging and poured some into the air fryer and sat on the counter as I waited for it to cook them properly. Sienna grabbed a bucket and began putting all the ice in it.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her once Claire left.

"Better. Dante has been very supportive. I am not over it fully, but I am appreciating the fact that my baby went to heaven, and up there... it is was better than here. He is in a better place where no harm can come to him."


I had noticed that this was not the only time that Sienna referred to her baby in the masculine manner.

"I believe that he was a beautiful baby boy."

"I think he would have your beautiful hair." I said.

Sienna laughed, "Maybe. Or my eyes and Dante's hair."

"That would be a cute baby for sure." I grinned.

Sienna genuinely smiled, "I am sorry if I bothered you by my mood today. I have tried my best to be more positive but it's a little difficult."

I pulled her into a hug, "Sienna you being here is more than enough. I mean you came out all this way and I appreciate way more than you will ever know."

"Thank you." She said as I pulled away and flashed her smile.

"Are the snacks ready because the movie is." Dante said as he walked into the kitchen with the TV remote.

"We're ready. Just waiting for the samosas." Sienna answered as I hopped off the counter to check on them.

"Why are you making those so late?"

"Arianna was craving them."

"Oh. I see." Sienna grinned just as the doorbell rang.

"I shall get it!" Vinchenzo called as he jogged past the kitchen to the front door.

"He was here?" I said gesturing to where Vinchenzo had jogged past.

Dante nodded, "He has been here for the past five minutes."

"I didn't see him. That's strange."

"He used the back door. It's closer to where the firewood was stacked anyways."

I nodded my head. When Dante left, the air fryer beeped letting me know that it was finished cooking. I grabbed a plate and spilled its contents onto it before carrying the bowls of chips and my plate to the living room where everyone was waiting except Vinchenzo. I sat down on the couch for a few minutes before I started feeling very uneasy.

The feeling was unexplainable. It's that feeling when you know something bad is going to happen, yet you can't quite place your finger on it.

"I am going to check on Vinchenzo. He has been gone for too long." I said and walked to the front door.

When I got there, I gasped loudly.


Hey Reddies!

I hope you have been having a fabulous day. 

What do you think Diego wants?

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Next Update: 11 December 2022



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