Chapter 10 - Jailed

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"I hate to tell you this..." Luciano trailed off with a sigh as I squinted at him with suspicion.

"What?" I asked.

"I think this requires a girl best friend." Luciano sighed as he ate some more popcorn, "I don't think I am a good candidate to dissect whether Vinchenzo's immediate departure was to make you jealous or if he was truly displaying hurt in front of you."

I frowned, "It is not like I can go up to a random girl and drag her into this. She'll probably end up dead and I, personally, don't feel like having anyone's blood on my hands."

"That is a bit extreme don't you think?" Luciano asked with a frown, "I doubt Vinchenzo will kill her for being your friend."

"It isn't Vinchenzo who I am worried about. It is the other families..." I trailed off, "Besides, I would have to hide half my life from her. We aren't supposed to go around telling people of our mission." I stated.

"Stalias will be put behind bars. I stole some files before the Vitali family blew the whole place up."

"We better sift through them," I said.

"I had to lockpick three locks to get to them. I was guessing that they were important."

"Did you look through them?" I asked enthusiastically, "What are they about?"

Luciano shook his head, "No. Thought I would do honours with you present. You did, after all, risk your life to save mine."

"Aww!" I cooed, "I will bring them here." I said as I jumped off the couch and walked over to where Luciano had left them. 

I chose to grab the blue and the red file. They were the thickest ones out of all the five that Luciano had grabbed.

"Here." I told him giving the blue one, "Let's get sifting."

We sat for hours sifting through all the junk. We flipped through each folder and each page trying to find anything useful, anything at all. I flipped through billions of receipts and was feeling utterly hopeless. They were too smart to just leave anything against them behind. I was scouring the pages carefully, I didn't leave a single word on those pages unread.

Looking up at Luciano, it didn't look like he had any luck either. With a deep sigh, I trudged and grabbed another folder silently praying that something detrimental would be revealed. I suppose no fool would be successful in this kind of busy, you had to be lower than scum with your pockets stacked to the brim with cash.

I knew that this task was not easy but I was determined to take him down. For me, for Luciano and for all the other people who were forced to live in that disgusting compound that he commanded as he wished. He didn't even have the decency to provide any hygiene for all those who were devoted to him. He made them live like rabid pack animals.

"What if convict this man of tax evasion?" Luciano said as he tossed the file he was holding aside and reclined on the couch.

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"It's a good idea. We can do it since we can't find any real evidence to send to the court."

I nodded with a small smile, "Like Al Capone."

He nodded.

"He was the biggest mafia Lord in America and Eliot Ness was able to bring him down for tax evasion."

"How long was his sentence?" 

"I think eleven years..." I trailed off, "This means that it won't be a life sentence. He deserves nothing less than a death sentence. He is evil and deserves to rot forever in a cell. The death penalty does him no justice. He must suffer."

"Eleven years is long enough to find some hardcore evidence to keep him rotting in a cell for good. I promise you that we will jail him forever. Tax evasion is the first step in the right direction. Once he is out of the picture, evidence may start to slip through to us. We just need him to be gone."

"Well do you think that he will leave around tax evasion evidence for you to just find? We will have to infiltrate more clubs."

"I would like to think that he would. I am sure that the Don would prefer to hide evidence of murder and theft, as they are more costly crimes, and may perhaps let some receipts slide?" Luciano said as he waved a few papers.

"Luciano!" I grinned, "You found evidence!"

"I did." Luciano said, "That is why I told you of the idea."

"Let us hand it into Director Lee!" I grinned and cheered.

Luciano shook his head, "We should hand it to the magistrate straight."

"Do you also feel suspicious of Lee?"

He nodded, "Something felt fishy. Especially when he spilt all of that information to your father. It could have been detrimental to our work and our mission."

"My father wouldn't betray me."

"It is not your father that I am worried about, It is about Lee. He made us swear to tell no one but then proceeds to blab about it."

"Well, we better start this tommorrow. The sooner he is trapped behind bars the better. Will we have to be at the hearing?" I asked.

"I doubt it." Luciano said as he scratched his ankle and then ruffled his hair, "It will probably be the FBI against the attorney that Stalias chooses to appoint. I doubt he will win but he could get away with it."

"Do you know what is even better? If we can get one of his men to confess against him."

"I doubt they will. They have vowed their loyalty to Stalias."

"Every man has a price, Luciano."

Hey Reddies!

I hope you enjoy this chapter! They finally found some evidence to jail Stalias! I am heavily rejoicing. Make sure you vote and leave a comment!



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