Chapter 47

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The departure was filled with sadness.

Well, it was mainly just Wuxian acting like a five-year-old, and clinging to TaiFeng, begging her not to go.

"Do you have to go? Can't at least one of us come with you? Please?" Wuxian whined while Jiang Cheng just puffed out his chest in displeasure.

She reassured them over and over again that she would be just fine. But nothing seems to work with those two.

"Wei. Wu. Xian. May I remind you that I have an entire goddamn sect to run?! Just stop making a scene and let me go. You're already delaying my journey!" She yelled, prying his clinging hands off of her.

"But what if something happens to you?!" He yelled back.

"What if you encounter Wens?!"

"I'd honestly feel more concern for them." Huaisang muttered.

"I think it's rather clear that at this point, not even God can kill me, despite his numerous efforts." She huffed, rolling her eyes to the sky.

"If I was that easy to kill, I would have been dead long before I met all of you. And it's not like I can't defend myself. Or are we all forgetting how I got you all breakfast this morning? I know that you are worried, but you need to have a little more faith in me, and a little less separation anxiety."

Sighing in defeat, Wuxian got up.

"Fine. But at least take this with you." He said, rummaging through his Qiankun pouch, only to pull out a red and gold one.

"My Qiankun pouch?" She said, taking it in her hands and running her svelte fingers over the worn-out needlework.

The blue flowers were a little frayed, and the white clouds were now more of a creamy beige.

'He... kept it? Even though I was dead? Why not just throw it away? It's not like I would need it."

"Just.. Please be careful." Jiang Cheng sighed. "We just got you back. We don't want to lose you again."

"Exactly," Zixuan added. " There's no need to go all out either. Just get to YueYang in one piece."

"..I will. I promise."

And with those final words, she set out.

Walking at a brisk pace, she marvelled at the scenery of ancient China.

She never got to see any greenery growing up. It was always just grimy cities.

It was a much-needed change of pace, she had never breathed in air this crisp.

Fishing around through her pouch, she could feel all sorts of things as she rummaged around. Finally getting to the bottom, she smiled when she found what she was looking for.

Pulling her hand out, she was now grasping a half-eaten red bean paste bun.

Fun fact; food doesn't go off inside Qiankun pouches.

Eyeing it up like it was the most precious thing in the world, she gobbled it down, enjoying every bite. Although she was still pretty hungry.

Come to think of it, when was the last time she had a proper meal?

And by 'proper meal', she meant enough food to give a rhino indigestion for weeks.

She made small footprints in the snow that were quickly disappearing as she progressed further down the path. So she was right, it would be relatively warmer in YueYang.

'I wonder if the calla lilies are in full bloom yet. Has QingShui been getting enough attention? I hope she didn't eat someone she wasn't supposed to. He's probably there by now as well.'

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