Chapter. 3

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"Are you guys cultivators? I've only ever read about them." She questioned.

"That's right." One of the junior disciples answered." We're from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect."

" It's not too far from here, maybe she could stay since she doesn't have anywhere else to go!" Another junior chimed in.

'Wow, this is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.'

"I'm not too sure, I'll have to ask Sect Leader Jiang first, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea." Wu Xian said scratching his nose.

"TaiFeng, would you be willing to stay at Lotus Pier?" Wu Xian asked.

"Really?! In that case, I would love to go! I've always wanted to be a cultivator, so this is like a dream come true." She said bouncing on her heels.

Timeskip to them arriving in Lotus Pier, because I'm lazy lol.

The entire time she was at Lotus Pier, she couldn't stop staring at her surroundings, soaking up every detail. She was currently looking at some very intricate pillars on the way to the Swords Hall.

"Could somebody go get Sect Leader Jiang and Madam Yu, please?" Wu Xian said as they entered the Swords Hall.

'Shit! I completely forgot about her! That woman scared me half to death when I watched the drama! She's probably absolutely terrifying in real life!' TaiFeng sweatdropped.
'Okay, it's fine, just act obediently and don't cause trouble and pray she doesn't strike me with Zidian.'

"Wei Wu xian! Where have you been? You're half an hour late!" A voice rang out that was so foreign and yet so familiar. Instantly TaiFeng hid behind Wuxian

"A'cheng, that's enough, stop shouting." A kind and gentle voice said.

And there they were. The Angry Lotus and Best Girl, in the flesh!

"Ah, ChengCheng, don't get mad! I'm late because I found something in the woods." Wuxian playfully responded.

"Who are you calling ChengCheng?!"

"What did you find A'xian?" Jiang Yanli said in her comforting voice.

"TaiFeng, you can come out from behind me now. It's okay, Jiang Cheng's loud but he won't hurt you."
Wuxian said as he moved to the side to let the other two see.

'Okay deep breath, just like I practiced.'

Folding her hands out in front of her she deeply bowed to the pair.

"Qian TaiFeng respectfully greets you both."

After that, she immediately went back behind Wuxian. She was just too excited right now but she didn't want to weird them out or anything so she just ducked behind Wuxian to stop herself from freaking out and fangirling.

'I can't believe I'm actually here and actually doing this! This is surreal! But can I really change things? No! I have to change things, for everyone's sake!'

"We found her on the side of the road unconscious. She had lived in the mountains before with a woman named Qian XiaoLong. But when  Madam Qian got sick with an illness, she tried to go down the mountain for medicine. The locals beat her and called her a bad omen because of the way she looks, by the time she healed and got back Madam Qian had unfortunately already passed away." Wuxian explained while TaiFeng solemnly looked at the ground.

She really didn't feel good about lying to this extent, but it was necessary for her plan to work.

Looks of sadness painted their faces. 

"Oh I see, it's a pleasure to meet you Young Lady Qian. My name's Jiang Yanli, but feel free to call me JieJie. And this is my brother Jiang Wanyin."
Yanli said, practically radiating sunshine.

"Hong." She shyly replied.

"Pardon?" Jiang Cheng and Yanli simultaneously asked.

"My birth name is Qian Hong, so you can just call me that instead. Young Lady is way too formal."

"Ah, I see. Is it okay if I call you A'Hong?" Yanli politely questioned.

TaiFeng nodded with a big smile as she stepped out from behind Wuxian and went to meet the two.
She's never had a big sister before. How exciting.

Before she could say another word she was cut off by an unmistakable voice.


'Y'know, I almost forgot about that.'

"Madam, please calm down. I'm sure nothing bad has happened." Another voice could be heard.

Instinctively she jumped to hide behind Jiang Cheng, as he was closer.
She really didn't like the sound of people shouting, especially not in anger.

"Ah, Wuxian, could please explain why you wanted to talk to the both of us." Sect Leader Jiang calmly said while Madam Yu just sneered at him.

"Ah, well.. that's because of.. well."  Jiang Cheng said awkwardly as he gestured to behind his back as TaiFeng peered over his shoulder like a rabbit peeking out from behind a bush, wide-eyed and anxious.

"Exactly what is that thing?! A'Cheng, why is she clinging onto your robes? " Madam Yu hissed.

"Mother! She's not a thing." Jiang Cheng said defensively, but not enough to offend.

"A'Hong's been through a lot. She's probably scared of loud noises, she's  only clinging to me because she's nervous."

'Bibbity bobbity back up a minute! Did Jiang Cheng just call me by my birth name? And not just Qian Hong but A'Hong?! Now that's an improvement! Maybe he isn't so angry after all.'

"A'Hong? Is that her name?"
Jiang Sect Leader questioned in a hushed tone to not frighten the poor girl.

'Alright, I guess I have to introduce myself properly.'

She then stepped out from behind Jiang Cheng and once again bowed.

"Qian TaiFeng respectfully greets Sect Leader Jiang and Madam Yu." She said, bowing as low as her back would allow her. Heck, she was willing to full-on kowtow just to avoid Madam Yu's piercing gaze.

"Even though she looks like she crawled out of a ditch, at least she has common courtesy. Unlike some people." She said as she side-eyed Wuxian.

'Well I don't think she likes me, but I don't think she despises me either. So I consider that a win!' She thought as she stood beside Jiang Cheng, as standing behind him might aggravate Madam Yu again.
But she was right, she did look like she crawled out of a ditch.

And for the third time, today her fake tragic backstory was explained.

"-So we were wondering if she could stay in Lotus Pier for the time being, as we have plenty of rooms," Wuxian said hopefully.

"Well, I don't see a problem with her staying here. What about you Madam?" Sect Leader Jiang said.

Madam Yu simply turned her head to the side and scoffed, which, according to Sect Leader Jiang, meant yes.

"Wuxian could you show her to her room? I'll have the servants fetch her some new robes."

As they walked through the halls they passed by some of the disciples training with their swords.

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