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"Sect Leader Qian, your back! We all missed you!" Gao Song said running outside to meet TaiFeng.

After parting way with the others in Koi Tower she flew back to YueYang faster than you can say Yin Iron.

"It's nice to see you as well. I was really starting to miss this place. But first, there's the small matter of accepting new disciples." She said, walking into the main hall.

"Also, I think it's best if we build a few more rooms. I've brought back enough things for YiZhang to sell, so we should be able to afford at least one more side hall. I want to blow everyone's minds when the other sect leaders finnaly visit."

"I'll let Shixiong know. And as for the disciples we've already made a list of all of them. It's really just a matter of picking them out." He said handing her a thick booklet.

"This many?!" She gasped, opening it and watching trail on the floor.

'This thing is longer than a Naruto flashback.'

"We weren't really expecting this many people, but quite a lot of people wanted to join the sect." He said.

"Looks like I'm going to have my hands full tonight." She sighed making her way to her study.

'It's a good thing a pre ordered sect robes, otherwise I'd be screwed.' She thought, going through the long list.

In total there were ninety six names on the list, and after hours of careful consideration she picked out sixty six people off the list.

Add that to her current numbers, and she now had seventy disciples.

But she was nowhere near done, she still had to set up a training regime, reinforce barriers all around the sect, along with preparing for the indoctrination and making sure all her ships sail smoothly.

She already had a plan in mind for protecting her sect, and believe it or not, she got her inspiration from Wen Chao.

"What I wouldn't give for a Monster right now." She sighed, putting the final touches on her grand plan.

It was almost two in the afternoon, but she was prepared to work through the night.

She had designed stronger wards and built talismans that would alert her if somebody was trespassing on Sect property.

There were also her daily sect responsibilities such as solving problems in the local community that fall under the sects jurisdiction.

So far she had settled two disputes between local farmers and lots of other minor things. She also planned to open a public library once this was all over, but that could wait.

"Okay, I've finished the design plans for the side halls, now all I need is wait for the package for Ziyu forest to arrive, and I should be good for today." She muttered, cleaning up her desk space.

"Sect Leader Qian, there's a man at the door saying he has a package for you." ChenHe said, knocking on the study door.

"Speak the devils name and he shall appear." She said, getting up from her seat.

"Tell him I'll be there right away."

"Sect Leader Qian, always a pleasure doing business with you." The shady man bowed, beside him was a large wooden crate warded with talismans.

"Believe me, the pleasure is all yours." She said, gesturing for the shady man to take a seat. He was in his late fifties with a face full of wrinkles. He had a goatee similar to Lan Qirens along with sharp pointy eyebrows that made him look like he was up to no good, which most of the time he was.

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