Chapter. 4

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As they walked through the halls they passed by some junior disciples training with their swords. Not to brag or anything, but TaiFeng thought that her sword style was a lot better.

Whenever she felt bored she would exercise. One day she bought a weighted training sword and practiced with that. So far she had come up with ten forms. She called them the Fleeting Dragon Steps.

Intrigued nonetheless, she hid behind a pillar and watched them.
"You like swords?" Wuxian asked.

"I used to have a wooden training sword as a toy. So whenever I was bored, I would try and copy the moves I'd read in books until I came up with my own style. I can't use spiritual energy or talismans though, as I never learned how to form a golden core."

"You came up with your own style?!" Wuxian excitedly asked.

"Yep, I call it Fleeting Dragon Steps... Since my adoptive mother's name meant Little Dragon, I named it that in honor of her."

'Wow, I'm really outdoing myself with these lies.'

"That sounds awesome, but it's not too late to form a golden core y'know. If you try hard enough you might be able to form a small one!" Wuxian encouraged.

"Really, do you think so?"

"Well, that depends," Wuxian said with a smirk. He then went over to some stands which had some swords stacked up against them.

"Show me what you've got."

"Right now?!"

"C'mon, you sounded so proud when you talked about it. Don't worry what other people think."

He then made the disciples clear a space on the training field. At this point, Jiang Cheng and Yanli came out to see what all the commotion was about.

"Wei Wu xian! What are you doing?" Cheng said angry as ever.

"I'm just showing off my new little sister!" Wuxian jokingly said while TaiFeng choked on air and Yanli just laughed at his antics.

"Well, I always did want a sister." Yanli chuckled.

"Don't let her carry a sword she might hurt herself!" Cheng screamed.

This lit a fire inside of TaiFeng, if there was one thing she hated it was people thinking she was weaker than she actually was.

'Well, then I might as well put on a show.' She thought as she took the sword from Wu xian.

Taking a deep breath she unsheathed the sword.

With her sword held firmly, she glided across the courtyard as if she was floating. Her movements were swift and precise and at the same time fluid and free-flowing. Each strike was filled with raw power just like that of a mighty Dragon.


"Well say something."

"That was amazing, A'Hong, you didn't tell us you knew swordsmanship!" Yanli said beaming with pride at her new unofficial sister.

"It's nothing really."
She said scratching her head, blushing slightly

"I got to admit, A'Hong, that was pretty good for a non-cultivator," Cheng said.

"Aaaaw, thanks ChengCheng!" She said happily.

"Who are you calling ChengCheng!"
He yelled.

"You've called me A'Hong twice now, so why can't I call you ChengCheng?"

Jiang Cheng then went as red as a beetroot and stormed off.

"Don't mind him, A'Hong. He's just embarrassed." Yanli smiled.

"Uh, A'Hong, I'm not sure if I'm right, but did you feel anything when you were doing your sword forms?" Wuxian questioned.

"Well now that you mention it, I did feel kind of warm and tingly. Kind of like when your foot falls asleep, but all over your body. This has never happened before." She replied.

Wuxian then checked her pulse and his eyes went as wide as saucers.

"You've got spiritual energy! And not just a little bit either! But this makes no sense, you don't have a golden core so how can you have spiritual energy?" He said examining her wrist.

"What?! That's impossible! I've never meditated once in my entire life! There's absolutely no way!" She screamed.

"If A'Hong has spiritual energy but has never tried cultivating does that mean she might be a prodigy?" Yanli questioned.

'Me? A prodigy? But I'm average in everything I do, there's no way.... but then again I did learn Chinese in one afternoon. And I am in a drama where people fly about on their swords... Okay, maybe it's not that unbelievable.'

"A'Hong, do you think you can visit the healers with us once you change your robes?" Yanli asked.

"Ah, sure, no problem." She said still a little stunned. 

As she made her way to her new room she saw a pile of robes neatly folded on the bed and went to put them on.

'These are nice, but why do I get the feeling that I'm being put in the same category as Wuxian?' she thought as she examined her robes

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'These are nice, but why do I get the feeling that I'm being put in the same category as Wuxian?' she thought as she examined her robes.

'After all the main reason why he doesn't wear the Jiang Sect robes is that Madam Yu thinks of him as the son of a servant. That bitch, if I wasn't so scared of her I would give her a piece of my mind!'

She thought as she sat down at the mirror and started to comb through her hair.

She never had hair this long before so she just put it in a high ponytail instead of doing anything fancy.

She was thrust out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. It was Yanli.

"A'Hong are you ready?" She asked.

"Oh, yes. Coming!" She said as she opened the sliding door to greet her.

Yanli just stared for a moment.

"Is there something on my face?"

"Ah, no sorry. It's just, you look so much like A'xian in those robes. And with that hairstyle too, if I didn't know any better I would assume that you two were relatives!" She lightly smiled.

"Ah really? Now that you mention it, I guess your right." She laughed back.

"Oh, right I wanted to give you this since you don't have any accessories."

"It's beautiful, I'll be sure to treasure it forever

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"It's beautiful, I'll be sure to treasure it forever." She smiled as they made their way to the healer's den.

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