Chapter 43

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Wen Chao lay awake in his bed, on the edge and hypersensitive to every little sound. These days he felt like someone was watching him, he would hear things in the middle of the night, and sometimes he swore that there was someone behind him.

He tried to convince himself that he was just being ridiculous, and that it was just the wind or a trick of the light. But it didn't seem to work, no matter what he tried the feeling just wouldn't go away.

And to make matters even worse, he just received word that a mystery person had sieged a supervisory office and brutally killed everyone inside it. After hearing that,he had practically gone mad with fear.

The whole time, the damning words of Yuzhao Long rang out in his head.

"With the heavens and everyone here as my witness, I Qian TaiFeng, curse you. Even if I die, ill surely become a vengeful ghost and haunt the Wen Sect till the end of time!"

But it didn't matter how strong she was, she was dead! 

Right, she was dead. He killed her himself, she was long gone and her curse was just a bunch of nonsense!

Even if she was a ghost, she was stuck in the Burial Mounds anyway. And the supervisory office was just a coincidence, nothing more.

I mean, it's not like people can actually come back from the dead.


But either way, he was paranoid about it. Regardless of whether or not the ghost of Qian TaiFeng had come back to haunt him, he was sure that something, or even more than one thing, was watching him. And not knowing what was killing him.

And funnily enough, he was right.

Something was lurking in the shadows that night.

On opposite sides of the woods, two forces lay in wait, one seeking revenge, the other, seeking justice.

The air was unusually warm for this time of year, which made everyone even more on edge. The trees gently swayed in the breeze, as three figures moved in from the west.

Meanwhile, an individual, clad in black, moved toward the location from the east at insane quickness.

The moon was high, and the stakes were higher.

As the folds of numerous colored robes brushed against the forest floor, a certain person had already jumped the fence to the building where the Wens resided.

As Jiang Cheng, Wangji, and Wuxian closed in on the location, the unmistakable screams of humans filled their ears.

Running as fast as they could, they reached the office, only to find that the screams had subsided.

All of them had the same thought.

'They're dead already.'

It was fast, so fast that if you blinked you just might miss it.

It was terrifying to know that there was a person capable of such speeds.

Steeling their nerves, they pushed open the doors to the familiar sight of scattered corpses frozen in fear.

Not wanting to alert anyone else they made there up to the roof as stealthily as they could. Huddling around a spot on the roof, they gently lifted the roof tiles.

Peering inside, they caught a glimpse of a cowering Wen Chao being guarded by someone who Wangji recognized as the Core-melting Hand.

Clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white, Jiang Cheng was ready to burst in, right there and then.
But he was held back by the other two.

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