Chapter. 22

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Inside Nightless City

Currently, Wen Rouhan was absolutely livid. He had just found out that somebody had not only managed to steal the Dafan Wens from right under his but also found a way to render the Dire owl useless.

He was on edge, he had never been made a fool of in his entire life. He was desperate to know who had the audacity to trick him like this.

After hearing what Wen Qing had to say, he came to the conclusion that it had to be a sect leader, as only someone like that would have the capability to pull something like that off.

But who? That was the question.

"Sect Leader Wen, we've received some information pertaining the sect leaders." A disciple walked in.

"Speak." He ordered.

"Acording to our information, there's been a few notable events. Qingheng-Jun had come out of seclusion a few months ago. A student who was attending lectures in Gusu convinced him to leave." The disciple

"A student? Who?"

"Her name is Qian TaiFeng, she goes by the title of Yuzhao Long. She also happens to be the Sect Leader of the YueYang Qian Sect."

"You said she's a student. How could a mere child have a title and become a sect leader?"

"She had taken over the sect on account of the previous sect leader being removed from his position. But that's not all. She's also said to be able to see into the future."

"Oh?" Wen Rouhan, shifted in his seat, his eyes displaying a myriad of emotions.

"She said to be an extremely powerful cultivator rivaling that of her seniors. Her sect is also risen to power quite quickly, the YueYang Qian Sect is due to become a major sect in two and a half weeks." The disciple finished.

"A powerful Sect Leader who can see into the future. She's the youngest sect leader in cultivation history, has a title and is said to have immeasurable power. Interesting.....she could be useful."

Meanwhile in YueYang.

"Dear friends and enemies, we are gathered here today to morn the death..... of my fashion style." TaiFeng said facing a wardrobe, adressing her robes.

"I had a good thing going with the red aesthetic. But times are changing, red is becoming controversial. I'm no longer FeiHong Long, so there's no reason to wear red." She said solemnly taking all the red out from her wardrobe and replacing it with other colours.

After some careful consideration, she made the decision to stop wearing red. After all, she didn't want to be associated with the likes of Wen Rouhan and his wen dogs.

After a a few tears and a brief performance of I Will Remember You, she folded the clothes and permanently put them away.

"Okay, new wardrobe, new me. Besides it's only a colour, there are lots of other perfectly good colours." She said changing into a pair of light blue robes.

" She said changing into a pair of light blue robes

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