Chapter 39

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Light. That's what TaiFeng was to Xichen. A radiant beam of pure light. She was like the luminous full moon that lights up a dark path on a pitch-black night. Without her, it felt like there was a total eclipse. Food had no taste, sunlight had no warmth. The birds didn't sing, and the flowers lost their scent.

It had almost been three months since TaiFeng had gone missing, and there was still no sign of her. The entire cultivation world searched high and low but to no avail. Any Wens that they all had encountered all said the same thing.

"We don't know anything."

In the Unclean Realm, word had reached Huaisang and Chifeng-Zun of TaiFeng sacrifice and surrender to the Wens. Without any hesitation, almost all of Qinghe Nie's forces were mobilized to turn the tides of the war. Meanwhile, Huaisang sent out every one of his snitches and spies in a desperate attempt to locate his dear friend.

If Huaisang knew one thing about TaiFeng, it was that she was the most prideful person he had ever met. There's no way that she would surrender to the Wens unless it was to protect those she loved.

Over in Lotus Pier, Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were fighting on the front lines almost every single day. But no matter how many Wens they took down, more and more just kept coming.

While Yanli helped out as best she could, attending to the injured, it didn't make much of a difference. As much as they hated to admit it, they were losing this war. Despite Gusu sending over reinforcements, Yunmeng looked like a bomb zone. All the non-cultivators and townspeople had long since upped and left, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

They missed their sister. They all hated this horrible feeling, not even knowing whether she was safe. Was she eating well? Was she under a roof? Was there enough timber in the hearth?

  Winter was fast approaching, was she wearing enough layers? Was she still in the Wens' clutches? Maybe she escaped, this was Yuzhao Long after all. She always had a trick up her sleeves.

They just didn't know, and it was eating them from the inside. 

Surprisingly, the situation over in YueYang was looking rather hopeful. Despite it being the closest Sect to the Wens, just being a hundred Li north of Qishan, they by far had the best defenses. 

When Guangyao headed over to help out due to TaiFeng's absence. They had already had things under control. The citizens had already been taken in as refugees inside the sect, and the Wen remnants were taking care of them all. They had amazing defenses and TaiFeng had written a few battle strategy diaries, just in case.

But it just wasn't the same.

This entire situation felt extremely odd to A'Yao.

It had been ages since TaiFeng went missing, and yet there wasn't any information on her whereabouts whatsoever.

No matter how many Wens they questioned, they couldn't get anything out of them. It was as if she was never with them in the first place, and if she was in the clutches of the Wen sect, it wasn't for very long. At least not long enough for any subordinates to find out about it.

Which begged the question; just where was she?

If she had escaped, there's no way on earth she would delay coming back to YueYang or Yunmeng. Hell, since she was, technically, (emphasis on technically) Yu Ziyuans adopted daughter, she could have even gone to the Meishan Yu Sect!

So where was she?

 Along with everyone else, the senior disciples were...... struggling. 

ChenHe had cried four times in eight hours, YiZhang was running on five hours of sleep, and the Gao brothers were having mood swings every five seconds. Where Gao Song left off, Gao Liang started up again.

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