"dick." mountain grumbled, sitting back, bringing you back to lay into him. you giggled softly, snuggling into your earth ghoul as he opened the book and began reading again.


- will melt at any kind of affection you give him.
- hugs are great, sure. but a kiss on the cheek? he might as well be a water ghoul cause he'll be a puddle on the floor.
- anything you give him he'll give back tenfold. it's honestly very cute.

you smiled as you walked over to the band ghouls' table, hugging aether as you sat down next to him.

"hey, y/n!" cirrus smiled. "hey y'all," you grinned back, looking around at everyone. the guys all acknowledged you in some way, most notable being rain and aether. rain had waved at you while nodding his head towards aether. when you looked over, aether was staring at you intensely.

"what's up?" you asked, tilting your head with a smile. aether just grinned, leaning forward and attacking you with kisses all over your face. you laughed, trying to block your face with your hands but aether only grabbed your wrists and pulled them down.

"ughhh- cumulus, tell aether to stop doing that!" dew groaned, acting disgusted. though, everyone at the table knew he was actually very happy that his best friend had found someone. cumulus simply laughed, turning back to sunshine and continuing her conversation.

"ignore them." aether hummed, kissing the corner of your mouth, pulling your attention back to him. "they just love to ruin everything that involves something they don't have." aether rolled his eyes playfully. you laughed, kissing aether's cheek before picking up his fork and stealing some of his mashed potatoes.

aether's jaw dropped as he stared at you in utter betrayal.

you laughed even harder.


- he loves PDA.
- he breathes PDA.
- he cannot live without PDA.
- of course he respects your boundaries, but there have been times where he's pushed you a bit farther than you'd like, always resulting in a conversation where you have to adjust your boundaries, which swiss always abides by and apologizes for pushing you too much.

you rubbed your eyes as you walked into the common room, just waking up from a nap that didn't help you very much.

swiss looked over, smiling at you happily. you smiled back, though much more tired, and looked for a place to sit.

that's when you realized the common room was practically packed to the brim. there were absolutely no seats available and most of the floor was taken up by people sitting down.

you looked back to swiss then turned around to the door, starting to leave.

"y/n!" swiss called, making aether who was next to the multi-ghoul look over. you turned back around, tilting your head slightly. swiss smiled, patting his lap. aether chuckled, turning back to rain and continuing his conversation.

you quickly made your way over to swiss, saying hi to ghouls you recognized, and waving at others you called your name even if you didn't know them. you knew swiss talked about you a lot so it was probably a pleasant surprise for a lot of the ghouls to be seeing you for the first time.

you might as well of been the holy mary for how highly swiss spoke of you.

"hey, princess," swiss smiled, grabbing your waist as you sat down sideways in his lap, putting your legs over aether's. aether grinned at you, patting your shin before continuing with rain.

"you look beautiful as ever," swiss whispered, kissing your temple. "you tell me that every day, swiss." you giggled softly. your ghoul simply shrugged, smiling widely.

"must be true then."


- like mountain, he's more subtle about it until you're in private.
- he'll sit next to you with his arm over the couch behind you, give you kisses on the temple, and occasionally hold your hand, but nothing too much until your both in one of your rooms.

"so," cirrus started as she leaned onto the table, looking at you. "why don't you and dew cuddle all the time in front of us? we could have sworn dew was the touchiest ghoul here." cirrus tilted her head, cumulus and sunshine either side of her. you shrugged.

"he's just not very open with things in front of everyone." you replied. "that doesn't bother you?" sunny asked. "nope." you shook your head. "how come?" cumulus pushed. you raised a brow. why were they so pushy about this?

"well, i don't want to overstep. we're still relatively new and i don't want to make him uncomfortable, i'm not a big fan of major PDA either, and i don't think there should be a reason for me to be bothered." you explained. cirrus nodded.

"alright. that's all." sunny shrugged, walking away with the other two ghoulettes.

you remained where you were in the kitchen, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

after a moment, dew walked in, looking behind him before turning to you.

"are the ghoulettes acting different or am i stupid?" dew asked, walking over to you and kissing you softly. you smiled, cupping his cheek before pulling away at the same time as him.

"nope, they're definitely acting weird. if not, we can be stupid together." you grinned. dew chuckled, reaching behind you and grabbing a bag of chips.

"sounds like a plan. c'mon, let's go watch some tv." dew invited, kissing you again before dragging you out of the kitchen.

well, not dragging, you followed without a single complaint.


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