Overruled (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I had some issues sleeping," he admits.

"What issues were you experiencing?"


"Nightmares of what?"

"Ripley in Steve's parents' room the night of the party. I would see her lying at the edge of the bed, but then my mind would wander and it would show me my worst fears. I would start to see the things I didn't want to even think about. I would have to watch what would have happened to her if Steve and I hadn't found her."

Eddie's face is pale and even from here I can tell his hands are shaking. It's taking everything in me to stay seated. Dustin squeezes my hand and Mike pats my leg again. Gareth leans in from behind me and starts to massage my shoulders, all of them trying their best to keep me calm in Eddie's absence.

"So you would say that Miss Marro's attack had a great impact on you as well?"

"Not as big of an impact as it was on Ripley, but yes." Eddie says with a nod.

"No further questions, your honor."

Mrs. Barley turns to sit and Mr. Azure strides forward, some of his earlier confidence replaced by annoyance.

"Edward, are you aware that your girlfriend invited Patrick to her home a few days before the party?"

"Yes I am," Eddie says and Mr. Azure raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"And you are alright with the fact that she was alone with another man in her home?"

"Objection your honor, leading," Mrs. Barley calls and the judge nods telling Mr. Azure he needs to either rephrase his question or ask a different one.

"You had no qualms with that fact?" Mr. Azure amends with an eyeroll.

"No," Eddie answers. "Ripley told me openly it was for tutoring and she rejected Patrick's advances during that visit and I trust her."

"Do you know anything about Miss Marro's past relationships, Mr. Munson?" Mr. Azure asks and Eddie clenches his jaw. It's so obvious he wants to rip this guys head off, but he is doing his best to remain polite and still.

"Objection your honor, relevance," Mrs. Barley calls and the judge just looks at Mr. Azure who huffs and changes the subject.

"You and Ripley were not dating at the time of the party is that correct?"

"Yes it is."

"And you were in the middle of a disagreement, is that right?"


"What was the disagreement about?"

"Ripley caught me kissing someone else." Eddie looks down at his hands for a moment, ashamed and my heart squeezes.

"So the two of you were fighting because she saw you kissing someone, but you were not dating?" Mr. Azure clarifies.

"Yes, we were not dating at the time, but we were headed in that direction and my actions upset and confused her."

"Do you think they would have confused her enough to run to Patrick?" Mr. Azure asks. Before the last word leaves his lips, though, Mrs. Barley is already speaking.

"Objection your honor, leading."

Mr. Azure shoots her a dirty look as again the judge does not overrule her calling and he is forced to redirect the questioning.

"Eddie," Mr. Azure says, clearing his throat. "You had told the police that you saw Jason Carver hand Ripley a drink at the beginning of the party. Did you see Jason put anything into that drink before he handed it to Ripley?"

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