Chapter 1: Freshman Year

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This book is the school version. And not the slaying demon type thingy Majjigy...
Yeah. No moon breathing.

ANTYWAYS... ENJOY💙💙 (very excited frfr) and happy new year<3

"Y/N..!" My mother shouted as she opened up the window, causing the sun to hit my face. I groaned in annoyance as the alarm to my phone went off, I quickly turned it off and pushed the covers over my head.

"Y/N, let's not do this again today. You have to go to school. It's just another day!" My mother said cheerfully.

I removed the covers over my head.

"Yeah mom. It's Monday, the worst day of the week. I'm already tired of school work." I said as I turned around. She walked up to me.

"It's the second day of school Y/N, yesterday you went there for mostly a tour, remember?" She asked me.

Oh yeah.
We did go there for a tour. Well they only showed us the cafeteria, and office, which wasn't helpful at all.

Sure I was excited for school. Well, mostly to see my friends. But right now, I would gladly go back to my break if that was an option.

"I just wanna sleep.." I said, sitting up, she placed her hand on my head.

"I understand, but you can try sleeping when you come back alright? Now I need you to come downstairs for breakfast, I made ramen." She said as she left my room.

I sighed and fell back down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I took my phone to look at the time.


And I have to leave here before 7:20.. Why does this school have to start so early..?

They didn't even give us our schedules yesterday. All they gave us were uniforms. They weren't that bad but I'd prefer my own clothes.

I got up and walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

'I wonder if Aoi and I are going to the same school.. '

After I finished brushing my teeth, I got in the shower, and turned on the water. It was nice. It woke me up a bit so I wasn't as tired as before.

After that, I got out of the bathroom, and placed the uniform on my bed, it was still in the bag so I had to open it.

It was a white shirt with a tie on it, with a skirt and a pair of pants.

(You can choose if you want to wear the pants or skirt and if you wanna wear the tie or not. Use your ✨imagination ✨)

I wore the uniform and checked to see if I looked decent.

'Just gotta fix my hair then I'll be do-

"Y/N! You can't stay in there forever you know! You only have thirty minutes left!!" I heard my mother shout from outside.

Have I really been in my room for THAT long?

I checked my phone.


I have like forty minutes.. What is she talking about?

I untied my hair to fix it, some water had got on it so I had to dry that off since it's going to be a long day..

"Aoi's mom is going to drive you to school today! I called her earlier while you were in your room." My mom told me, I nearly choked on my food.

"We're going to the same school?" I asked surprised. My mom nodded giving me a confused look.

"You didn't know?" She asked me, handing me my lunch box. I shook my head with a smile on my face.

She never told me which school she was going to for high school..

"Go upstairs and get your bag, she said she was almost here anyway." She told me, I went up to my room.

I walked over to my bed and got my bag, putting my phone and my earbuds in my bag.


I ran over to my window to see if she was outside.

"She's here!!" My mom shouted, I ran out, nearly falling down the stairs.

"You'll pick me up right?" I asked her, she gave me a thumbs up with a hug.

"Love you, have a good day!"

"Love you to mom!"

I ran out and slammed the door shut, she locked it from inside as I ran to Aoi's mother's car and opened the door.

"Good morning Ms. Kanzaki!" I greeted her mom, Aoi turned away from her phone to face me.

"Y/N! ABOUT TIME I GET TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" She yelled, hugging me tightly, I hugged her back just as excited.

"Erm- if you two don't wear your seat belts, I'll end up getting a ticket y'know.." Aoi's mother said. I quickly put my seat belt on.

"I literally have so many things to tell you!" Aoi said with a small laugh, I smiled.

It's been about 10 minutes of the drive, we were almost at school, in the mean time, Aoi and I were talking about all of the things that happened in Middle School.

"Oh! Remember that time when you had that project to make elephant tooth paste and we decides to finish it in Mr. Johnson's class? I have no idea what that thing turned into because it flooded the entire classroom!" I said, trying to contain myself from laughing loudly.

"We don't talk about that!" She yelled the  continued.
"Some other kid said that he was going to work at the school we are going to though! I'm just hoping he isn't my teacher.." She said with a Huff.

"Hopefully.. I hated that man." I said.

"Alright enough chit-chat! We are here! So.. Have a good day and don't cause any trouble in there alright?!" Aoi's mom told us, the both of us nodded then waved goodbye as she drove away.

The both of us turned around, facing the huge school that was right in front of us.

There were lots of other kids waiting outside so that they could let us in. Some cars were coming through, a lot of traffic.

The both of us looked at the name that stood out that was attached to the building.

Kimetsu High School

Totally didn't make Aoi have my personality...

Next chapter is already there▽

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