Now we're in love and I
Will always keep you for my own
Your sapphire eyes
See the things I've never shown

Even though we've always been opposites
They say we're bound to attract
Baby when I'm with you I just don't know

How  I'm suppose to react

Because Believe it or not
I'll love you forever
Even when we are old
There won't be a time that we won't be together
Because you and I
We just make sense
Believe it or not

The song continues on and the crowd sways to the lyrics. My eyes stay glued to Ripley as I sing and I realize she is in fact, crying, her hand coming up to wipe at her face. My heart swells at the sight of my beautiful girl in the swarm of people, her hair glistening in the light and her face shining.

We finish the song and the crowd applause. We saved that song for last so I would not have to wait to leave the stage to be with Ripley. We take a quick bow and then leave. Gareth and Jeff assure me that they have clean up covered as I wipe my sweaty palms down my jean clad thighs and head out into the bar.

Once I make it out there, I make my way to where I last saw Ripley. Quite a few patrons, stop me along the way to tell me how much they liked the show tonight and I thank them with a smile. I can see Ripley, my sights locked on her golden locks. Her back is turned as she talks to Steve and I admire her as I approach. Before I can reach her, Arabella steps in my path with her hands on her hips. Her green eyes stare up at me harshly and her lips are set in a harsh line.

"What the hell was that, Munson?" She questions, her voice sharp and shrill.

"What was what?" I ask in return, my eyebrows knitting together.

"That song dedication," she huffs, her arms coming up to cross over her chest. "You made it sound like you have been with this girl for a long time, but you were making out with me a couple of weeks ago. I didn't think you were serious about relationships."

"I'm serious about this one," I assure her, my voice colder than I intended and she seems momentarily taken aback.

"Oh?" She says, her voice serious. "And why is that?"

"She's the one," I say plainly and Arabella blanches. She shakes her head in frustration and looks off in the distance for a moment before she steps a little closer, leaning in.

"You're not built for normal relationships, Eddie," she says, her words cutting through me like a knife. "You'll get bored with this girl and you'll come crawling back to me eventually. I just don't know if I'll be around to care."

She turns her nose up slightly and I really look at her. I don't know what I ever saw in her. Her knotted brown hair is clumped between her shoulders and her makeup is smudged, her red lipstick staining her teeth. Her exterior is nothing in comparison to what lies underneath; a cold and insecure person who takes things out on others. I can finally see it now and I shake my head, almost pitying her. 

"I won't be coming back," I promise her, patting her on the shoulder once. "Have a nice life, Arabella." 

I start to walk away and I hear her scoff behind me, but I don't turn. My eyes have refocused on Ripley, who has turned to watch my interaction with an interested expression. Steve smiles beside her and I smile in return, eager to be with them. 

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