"That's not SAR." 

Penny looked to her brother. "How many of these things are there?" 

Don, though couldn't do anything, did his best to try to draw the attention of the robot to him but failed. 

Crawling inside, the robot used it's front right arm and back left arm to drag itself into the room. Penny wrapped her arms around Will as the they hugged each other, scared that this would be their last moment. 

The robot's hand had grabbed the side of the counter, and with one push, it would've been all over.

"Some people call me space cowboy!" John sang from the hall. "Some call me the gangster of love! Some people call me Maurice! 'Cause I speak of the pompatus of love!"  

This got the robot's attention as it started dragging its way out of the dining room and into the direction of where the two parents were. 

"Okay, it's moving away from the kid, whatever you're doing, keep doing it." 

"Keep going!" Maureen encouraged her husband.

"Some people talk about me baby! I don't know any more of the words! And I don't think we're gonna need them anyway run!" 

"Guys, it's coming fast you need to pick it up." 

"Don, we're gonna need your help." 

"Okay what kind of help?"

"The kind where you tell us where the hell we're going." 

"Uh, right." Don moved over to the controls but groaned when it started beeping. "Beautiful, way easier to fix than to use." 

"Here follow me." Maureen ordered their husband as they pushed opened a door and ran downstairs, they kept running until they hit a dead-end. 

"No! The fire must've been over here so the system closed it off!" Maureen frustratedly yelled. SAR was on their tail and was less than a few meters away from them. 

John stepped in front of Maureen to shield her when a voice called out from behind the robot. 

"Hey Scarecrow! Miss me?" 

The robot turned and the two tried to see who the voice was coming from but it was too dark to tell. It sounded like a young girl and was really familiar. 

"Excited for our weekly run in with each other?" The robot, screamed, "Yeah me neither. Hey you two! Look at your tablets!" The source of the voice began to run with Scarecrow right on its tail. The two adults looked in each other in confusion before looking down at the devices on their wrist. 

It was a message that stated to follow the robot and close the door behind it.

The girl ran through several hallways before entering a dark room, purposefully banging on the boxes so that it would attract the robot. Once the robot realized that the girl was trapped, he began to slowly drag himself throughout the room when a bang was made from behind him. 

Maureen and John had shut the door from behind it, trapping it in the room with the girl. "What about the girl inside?"

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure she has a plan, I mean she's the one who told us to do it. Let's head back first and regroup before we do anything." Maureen looked at the door and back to her husband then nodded. 

"So you never liked my singing?" John joked to his wife.

Giving him a smile, Maureen replied honestly. "No." 

"Someone's gonna have to explain to me what the hell just happened."  Don asked, confused to everything that just occurred. 

Maureen laughed. "Kids, it's safe to come out now. See you in a few minutes." 


A few minutes had passed by and Maureen and John had finally made it back to the dinning hall. 

"Mom, dad." Will called out. 

Maureen let out a sigh of relief and hugged her daughter as Will hugged his father. 

"You okay?"

"Are you okay?"

Judy and Sam joined them soon after as the two parents took turn hugging their oldest daughter. Judy dragged Samantha over to her parents and introduced them to her. 

John kneeled down and talked to her in disbelief. "You've been here this whole time?" 

Don walked in as well but was limping the whole time. "You people purposefully look for danger. " Will and Judy laughed. "Oh that's funny? You're good though right." 

The two nodded as Don headed over to the others.

"Hey. Will. Samantha told me that when the Resolute was attacked for a second time, that there were two robots. It wasn't just SAR."

"Yeah I know, we saw the other-" 

"No." Penny made her way over, curious to what they were saying. "She said the second one was shaped like a man. It had two legs and it was protecting people. Will your robot was here."

"What does that mean?" Penny asked.

"It means, that somewhere on this ship, there's a clue. We just have to find it."

"Clue for what?" Judy asked her brother. 

"For where he is now." The three of them smiled in excitement before a crash made them stop and freeze.

The vent from the corner had dropped, making whatever was on it to fall as well. They couldn't see who it was as the lights were still off, making everyone quiet.

"Shit, not again." The thing groaned. Samantha grew in excitement and giggled as she jogged over to the source of the cursing. 


Everyone's heart stopped as Samantha spoke the name. They saw the figure shuffle, sitting on her knees as she began to search the little girl for injuries.

"Samantha! Are you hurt, cuts, bruises, anything?"

Samantha giggled. "I'm okay."

The girl sighed in relief and stood up, ruffling her (h/c) hair out of her face to reveal (e/c) eyes and (s/c) skin.

"Good, now where are-"

"(y/n)?" The girl's snapped head towards the voice.



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