The kids and adults strapped themselves to the Jupiter chairs holding on tight in case they fell. 

They crashed hard as the Jupiter had stopped in time, as everyone raced to get their suits on, they all looked down. It was a metal plate with metal rods sticking out from it as it continued from miles and miles without end. 

"Well, we're here." Penny joked. 

"That looks like metal down there." Judy said, looking at the material that seemed all too familiar. 

"That's too straight. That can't be natural." John said in disbelief. 

"No. Somebody built this." Maureen stated. 

"Who?" Will asked. 

They all headed back inside, needing to regroup and discuss their plans.

"Okay so what now?" Judy asked her mother.

"Nothing's changed, we stick to the plan."

"Oh, so getting stuck at the edge of a massive alien waterfall was part of the plan?" Penny asked sarcastically. 

Maureen, ignoring her words, looked at her clock. "The lightning storm should be starting 97 minutes, give or take. We need to be ready to spark the engines when that happens. So does everybody remember their assignments?" 

"Siphon methane from the air and fill up our tanks." Will recited.

"Yeah, I got the sails." The oldest Robinson kid said. 

"We'll break down the mast and stow the rigging below." John said. 

"So leave the lines for me. If we're gonna catch the power from the storm I need every inch I can get for the kite. Don!" 


"You know what you're doing." Maureen asked him.

"Yes, just sounds cooler when you say it."

"Penny, just make sure Don has everything he needs to clear us for launch." Penny's eyes looked down at her mother's words. 

"Are we not gonna talk about it?" Will snapped, facing his mother. 


"The giant metal trench in the middle of the planet. Something like that doesn't just happen. Someone built it. Don't you wanna know who?"

"Of course I do, but right now we need to focus on the fact that 16 billion joules of energy are about to strike right where we're standing."

Penny raised her hand and looked to the others. "All in favor of finding a new place to stand." Don raised his hand. 

"As long as we stay inside the Jupiter, we'll be fine. The ship will act as a Faraday cage, sending the energy around us, instead of through us." Maureen saw John glance at their son. "Hey. We'll look into what's down there. Soon as we're airborne." 

Smith walked up to Maureen. "Excuse me. I didn't get a job" 

"You're job is to do nothing and touch nothing. If we ever need to sail again, we'll call you. Alright let's get to it."

"She never likes it when someone else saves the day." Smith told Penny smirking as the girl rolled her eyes. 

Time had passed and everyone was beginning to do their jobs. As Will turned to enter the cockpit, he was met with Smith laying down. 

"What are you doing in here?"

"Just keeping out of the way." The boy looked at her suspiciously, not believing her words. "I've always been fascinated by seaweed. People treat it like floating garbage but what they don't realize is they use it everyday. In their toothpaste, lotions, shampoos.  All the stuff that makes them pretty. It's like a lot of things I guess. only appreciated when you learn how helpful they can be."

"Are you honestly looking to be appreciated for navigating us through that storm?" 

"It was kind of a big deal."

"You were doing it to save yourself. Not my family, not me, just you."

"Look at him, such a big boy now. I noticed you never once visited me while I was locked up."

"We have nothing to talk about." 

"Ah of course we do. You and I. We're the only ones who know what its like to be connected to the robot."

"You were not connected to him. You were using him."

"Is there a difference? The robot's job is to give the master what he wants. I wanted a bodyguard, you wanted a friend."

"Excuse me. I have work to do." Will turned his back to the woman and started working. Smith smirked.

"I suppose you weren't that lonely, with (y/n) being there for you." The boy stiffened at the name. 

"You have no right to talk about her."

It was an unforbidden rule amongst the Robinsons that her name wouldn't be spoken of for the fear of Will converting back to isolation. 

When the family had found out what Smith had done, they were devastated. Smith had sent (y/n) out into space, heading tot he direction of the Resolute but so many things could've gone wrong.

None of them knew if she was alive, making it even worse to say her name when Will was around, but they could only hope for the best and that she was safe. 


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