December Special 2-6

Start from the beginning

"Dinner time!" Kongpob's door was opened and a man casually walked in. When he did so he paused. 

"Oh. Sorry. I thought you wouldn't be busy." Arthit recognized him as Sam. Kongpob had posted and shared pictures of his friends and he would sometimes post pictures of them going out in friend groups to eat dinner or even parties. Sam offered a smile to Arthit and then turned to Kongpob. 

"You're hauled up here again. We have dinner to attend with our friends and you're always skipping out." Arthit bit the inside of his cheek.

"Get out! I told you to stop picking my lock." Arthit was stunned at the anger that Kongpob showed and while Sam had initially smiled and grinned, he suddenly seemed shocked as he realized that Kongpob was furious. 

"P'Arthit" Arthit flinched before the other man seemed to try and calm his emotions down. 

"Oon." Came Kongpob's gentle voice. 

"Can you wait for a second?" The video call was gone for a moment and so was the sound making Arthit realize that he most likely had been put on mute. Arthit thought about what Sam had said. Maybe he was being too selfish and taking up Kongpob's time. He was about to hang up and simply tell Kongpob to go out with his friends when Kongpob came back.

"P'." Arthit did not say anything for a few minutes. He had been hoping to simply send a text to the other man so as to not make this awkward. 


"Don't believe a word he says. He is a man that doesn't believe in love and thinks I'm crazy for loving you and wanting to spend as much time as I can with you."

"But.-" Again, he is cut off by the other man before he can speak. 

"Don't look like that." There is anger in Kongpob's eyes as he says this and his voice is cold. Arthit is confused and can only look back at him. When Kongpob sighs he offers Arthit a look of pain in his eyes.

"It's the same look you had when you broke up with me last time. I couldn't bear that happening again. You have never bothered me and even though speaking up for what we want hasn't always been our strong suit I want you to listen to me now P.' I love you and I want to spend as much time as I can even if it means just looking at you without a word. I need you and I'm counting the days until I can get back. I miss holding you, touching you, kissing you, making love to y-"

"Shut up!" Arthit is unable to control the blush that covers his face, or the way that his heart seems to thump wildly with this man's words. Why is it that Kongob has such hold of him? Kongpob grins at him and through the screen gently touches Arthit's face with his thumb and smiles. 

"I love you P'Arthit. A world without you in it is not a world I want to be in." 

"I love you too Kongpob."

"Promise me that this will not affect our relationship. You'll call and text as much as you do now if not more because I need to know that you think of me too so that I can feel at ease." Arthit smiles at him. There's a knock on the door again and this time Kongpob looks angry but gets up to open it. Arthit smiles knowingly. More so when he sees the package that has arrived. He had almost forgotten about it. He had hoped he would have timed it during one of their calls and it seemed that luck was truly on his side. 

"You sent me something P'? You really shouldn't have." Kongpob is smiling and goes back to his desk where he places his phone down so that Arthit is able to see him unwrap his gift. Kongpob's smile widens when he sees a wooden box. There is a rainbow heart in the middle.

 There is a rainbow heart in the middle

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"It's a love box." Arthit begins. He is trying his best not to blush as he proceeds to explain what the box does. 

"I know we text and message but... this is also for that, you can send drawings, pictures, personal things like that."

"I've heard of these." Kongpob begins; as he takes out the box and the plug to connect it. He smiles when it turns on and when it does Arthit hits a button on his end, he too has a box that sends the heart spinning on Kongpob's side. 

"Just so you always remember... I love you." 


"Come on man. It was a joke." Sam tells him. Kongpob rolls his eyes at the other man. 

"Guys. It was a joke right. He should lighten up." Sam turns to their friends as they are out at the bar tonight. Kongpob only agreed because both Abbie and Jin begged him to go. 

"That wasn't funny. I would have punched you myself if you would have done that. You could have cost him his relationship. What if his boyfriend thought you were there for a hookup? I told you to stop going into his room like that. You do that to everyone." Jin spoke. 

"Not me," Abbie spoke up with a smirk that Jin returned. 

"Well, that's because the last time that he did you punched him in the balls." 

"Maybe I should try that," Kongpob spoke coldly. Sam turned to look at him. 

"You continue to cross my boundaries. Please. Stop coming to my room unannounced, stop making comments on my relationship, and stop insulting my fiance." With those words, Kongpob simply finished his beer and headed out. 

"Wait! Kongpob! Wait." Sam held him by the wrist as he made his way to the door. 

"Let go!"

"I'm sorry okay? I promise I won't do it again and I'll even apologize to your boyfriend." 

"No need. Just... stop coming to my room" With those words Kongpob walked away leaving his friends behind. When he got to his room he was feeling frustrated. That was until he saw the love box that was not only glowing but the heart was spinning. When he opened it he smiled. 

"Today I love you even more." Kongpob smiled when a flutter of hearts appeared on the screen as well. He did not care what others thought. This sweet side of Arthit, the cute side, the seductive, and the passionate was all for his eyes and no one else's. 

Thank you guys for reading. I know that this chapter was short but I hope you guys enjoyed it. My family celebrates Christmas Eve so tomorrow will be the Christmas Special of the chapter. You will not hear from me until 3 days until New Year when the next part of the December special will continue. Anyway. I hope you are enjoying this short story so far. 

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