Chapter 102

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The presence of a new quirk filled my veins. It felt overwhelmingly powerful and I could barely contain it. The flow of this unfamiliar power felt too much. "N/N! Are you okay!?" Sho shouted as I sat on the floor.

I breathed heavily as it felt cold and I felt the cup overflow, "Move." I muttered. Their brows furrowed in confusion. "What?" Momo muttered. "I said move!" I shouted. My hand let out a massive ice berg as they jumped out of the way.

I breathed heavily as I could now contain it a bit more but it's presence was still overwhelming. "What the fuck?" Katsuki muttered as he sat a few feet away from me.

I stood up and furrowed my brows at my hands. I was freezing, "Why is it so fucking cold?" I muttered as I rubbed my arms. I gained a knew quirk and I think it had something to do with ice. No shit, Sherlock.

"What the hell just happened!?" Shoto shouted in shock as he helped his girlfriend up off the floor. I shook my head, "Quirk. New quirk presence." I told them breathlessly.

Before they could speak I shot another iceberg at them. They jumped out of the way and I gasped, "Sorry! It's...overwhelmingly strong." I explained.

They got back up and I took a deep breath as goosebumps climbed up my spine. It was freezing. "You ok hun?" Momo asked sweetly as she took a few steps towards me.

I shook my head as I took a step back, "No." I back tracked, "I'm fine. I'm just- so f-fucking cold." I muttered as my teeth clattered. I cursed at my stutter. Kats frowned and walked up to me, "Love, no offense but you're pale as fuck." He said as he hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around him as he was warm and I reveled in it. I then remembered how angry I was with him and stepped back, "No. I'm fine." I said in a cold tone.

He frowned at my angry face and just then my phone started to ring. I took my phone out and frowned at the contact name. I stepped back and answered as I put it to my ear.

"Y/N Yagi! You are in so much fucking trouble!" Aizawa shouted down the phone. I took it away from my ear because of his volume. "H-Hello Z." I said through clattering teeth.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned. I shook my head yes but then I remembered how he couldn't see me, "I'm f-fine." I shivered and kicked myself for letting the cold get to me like it was.

"It's way past curfew! You were supposed to be back by 9!" He shouted at me. I nodded, "I know, I'm sorry. I take full responsibility." I told my uncle.

"Get back to the dorms. Now." He ordered me. I nodded my head, "Give me an h-hour." I said as I shook. He muttered curses as he ended the call.

"Shit." I shivered as I put my phone away. I looked up at my friends, "That was Aizawa. He's n-not happy." I said as I shook, feeling ice cold.

"Come on. We s-should get back to the dorms. He's going to have my neck by the time we get back." I shuddered as I walked down the road. I turned around when I heard no footsteps, "What are you idiots waiting for!? I-I'm already in deep enough shit, get your asses moving!" I shouted.

They seemed to shake out of their daze and followed me. Every step I took, I felt the cold take over even more of my body. It was quiet as we walked, the only sound being my clattering teeth and our footsteps.

Shoto had his arm over Momo's shoulder and she huddled into his warm side as they walked. Katsuki walked next to me. He tried to grab my hand put I pulled away from him.

I was still angry at him. I told him not to engage but he deliberately ignored my orders. It enraged me that he'd be so ignorant towards me.

He tried to hold my hand again but I snatched it away from him. "C'mon stop being like this." He begged. I shot him a glare, "You don't get to hold my hand after what you d-did today!" I shouted, still shivering. Fucking hell Y/N! Stop stuttering, you're making a fool of yourself.

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