Chapter 15

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We walked down the halls and got to the waiting room that we expected Uraraka to be in. Opening the door, we walked in to see that Uraraka had just gotten off the phone with someone.

It sounded like she was crying. I frowned at the thought. "Hey Uraraka, are you okay?" Midoriya asked in a soft tone.

"D-Deku! Y-Yeah I'm fine!" She said smiling big. "You did great out there!" He smiled.

Just then Iida walked in, "Uraraka! I'm extremely amazed by your preformance! As your class president, you have my respect!" He said doing his chopping motions.

"Thanks! But I wasn't that good...I didn't even touch him." She sulked. "Kachan's a tough opponent, he's always been strong." Midoriya said comforting her.

She smiled but still had a sad look on her face. I decided to speak, "Bakugo is one of the strongest people I know. The fact that you pushed him to his limits is an accomplishment in its own. You should be proud of yourself." I said, smirk on my face.

She gave me a grateful smile, "Thanks Y/N! I appreciate it!" She said happier than she previously was.

"I just need to make a few phone calls but I'll be out in a bit!" She said cheerily. "Alright then, Cya Uraraka!" Midoriya said walking out. I gave her a small smile and walked out with him.

Iida said he had something to do, so he went the opposite direction to us. We walked down the halls and passed a staircase when Bakugo walked up them.

"Deku..." He said in hoarse voice, a very different voice than how he normally talks to me.

"A-Ah! K-Kachan!" Midoriya said startled, stopping in his tracks. "Tell me the truth...that annoying made it for her didn't you?" Bakugo growled.

"No. I didn't. The truth is I offered to help her out with a plan but she declined. So that 'annoying' plan was made by Uraraka. She's the one who was smart enought to do that. Not me." Midoriya said, suddenly a hundred time more confident.

Bakugo snarled in response. Deku took my arm pulling me away from Bakugo. This seemed to annoy Bakugo more.

He kept pulling me by my arm even when we weren't near Bakugo anymore. "Midoriya. Let go." I monotoned. He looked down to his hand on my wrist.

"A-Ah! I-I'm sorry!" He squeaked. I shook my head, "It's fine." We carried walking down the halls until we came to another waiting room.

"In here." I said opening the door to the room. He walked in behind me and we sat opposite eachother.

I looked at him with an expressionless face. It was silent for awhile till he spoke up, "So..." He trailed off playing with his fingers. It was quiet for awhile more till I broke the silence.

"Did you see it too?" I asked him. His eyes widened, "S-See w-what?" I narrowed my eyes, "Don't bullshit me Midoriya."

He sighed, "Yeah I did. But how did you-?" I interrupted him, "Know?" He nodded.

"I'm sure my dads already told you but I hold All for One." I said looking him in his green eyes. "Y-Yeah, he did." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well our quirks are connected, they're called Brother quirks. One for All, as you know has been passed on from generation to generation. The newest holder being passed from my dad to you." I explained.

He nodded, "How about All for One?" He asked. I sighed, "Unfortunately, not much is known about All for One's past besides from me being the new owner of it. Do you know how All for One works?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "Besides f-from the fact that you h-have it, I don't know a-anything about it." He confessed.

I nodded, "Well, All for One is the accumulation of quirks throughout history. Unless it's a mutation quirk, the owner of All for One can use any quirk that ever existed." I explained.

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