Chapter 12

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Me and Bakugo decided to get Ramen. He told me to sit down and that he would order because 'my dumbass can't be responsible for anything.'

I disagreed but ultimately ended up sitting and waiting for him to come back. Eventually he came back and handed me a Ramen box.

He sat infront of me and I opened up my box and began eating. As soon as I began eating my eyes widened and I looked up at him.

"You got me Spicy Ramen?" I asked in a soft voice. He looked up from his Ramen and spoke, "Yeah. Well I remembered that you like spicy shit so I got you the same as me."

I was in shock that he would remember such a small detail about me. I nodded with a small smile and his eyes softened the slightest bit.

We both went back to eating until he spoke up, "So is Icyhot right?" He asked. "About what?" I questioned enjoying my Ramen.

"About deku being your secret brother or some shit." He explained. I looked back at him and deadpanned, "Do I look like Midoriya to you?"

"No." He answered back immediately. "Well then I guess there you have your answer." I shrugged.

It was quiet for a bit until he spoke up again, "How'd you meet Icyhot and Eyebags?" I raised my brows, surprised that he'd want to know about something like that.

I snorted at the nickname for Hitoshi, "Eyebags. Nice. I'm taking that one." I said amused.

I paused for a second then spoke, "I met Shoto when I was 5. I've known Hitoshi for as long as I can remember." I paused.

"When I met Shoto, we both went to a hero conference seeing as our dads were the top 2 heroes. When we first met he didn't have his scar on his face." I added.


There I was, in the middle of a conference room sitting next to my Dad at the top of a long conference table.

At the other side sat a big man with a fire beard and fire coming out of parts of his hero costume. Next to him sat a boy with half red and white hair.

The boy looked quite indifferent. He piqued my interest. I stared at him throughout the conference, tuning out the adults.

When the meeting ended pros were funneling out of the conference hall and my dad took my small hand and was about to walk out with me when someone called his name.

"All-Might!" My dad paused and turned us around. It was the fire dude. The boy stood next to him too.

My dad picked me up and walked us over to them. "Endeavor!" My dad said standing infront of the big man.

"How have you been?" My dad asked. "I see you have another son! How delightful!" He said cheerful as always.

"I do." The fire man spoke. "I see you have a daughter?" He said looking at me in my dad's right arm.

"Yes I do! Y/N, this is Endeavor." He said softly to me. One thing about my dad is he always spoke softly to me when I was younger.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." He said in a serious voice. I nodded, "Likewise, Mr. Endeavor." I said bowing a little at him from where my dad put me down.

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