Chapter 16

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Once Present Mic gave the go ahead, Shoto launched an Ice attack at Midoriya. Midoriya countered the attack by breaking a finger to cause a gust of wind to break the incoming ice.

This same trick was done over and over again by Midoriya until he broke every finger on both hands. Shoto sent another Ice attack toward him only for him to rebreak his thumb by flicking it out his mouth.

My eyes widened at his recklessness. He then charged at him and threw a punch at Todo pushing him back. Sho stopped himself from flying out of bounds by using an ice wall behind him.

I winced at the impact he made with the ice wall. He then stood back up and they both started shouting at eachother.

Shoto was obviously at his limit, the way he was shivering from over using his quirk brought a frown to my face. I didn't quite catch their conversation either.

Then I heard something Midoriya shouted that brought a smile to my face, "It's your quirk! It's your quirk, not his!" What happened next brought tears to my eyes. Shoto used his fire.

The crimson red flames shot out the left side of his body, creating a warm gust of air. They were so bright, I couldn't see him.

"SHOTOOOO!" I heard an extremely annoying voice shout. "HAVE YOU FINALLY GIVEN UP ON YOUR REBELLIOUS BEHAVIOR AND EXCEPTED YOUR ROLE IN LIFE!?" Yes that annoying voice was Endeavor.

I frowned and stood up and walked to the railing, "SHUT UP ENDEAVOR! NO-ONE WANTS OR NEEDS YOUR INPUT!" I seethed at the top of my lungs.

He glared at me from the other side of the arena. So me being me, I smirked at him and flipped him off. A few people in my class burst put into laughter, two of them being Hitoshi and Bakugo. Well Bakugo chuckled lowly with a smirk.

I then went back to my seat and sat down. "Wow! You really don't like Endeavor, do you?" Kirishima said. I shook my head, "Trust me. He's an asshole." I scowled.

"I'll take your word for it." Mina smiled. I then looked back at the on going match.

When the flames calmed down, Shoto shouted something at Midoriya and they rushed at eachother. Shoto weilding his fire while Midoriya clenched his fist, readying a punch.

At the moment of impact, Midoriya shot a gust of wind at Shoto instead of punching him, causing fire to react with CO².

Cementos tried putting a wall up between them but it was no use. The air condensed and it created a massive blast. It rushed towards us at the speed of light and I immediately sprung into action.

It was a long shot and very dangerous but it's the best shot I had. I stood up and Manipulated my Aura to create a barrier between the blast and my class.

With my eyes glowing Purple and my hair being blown back by the wind I held my hand out to concentrate on manipulating my Aura. If I let it go, it could blast my classmates just like how Bakugo's explosions would.

"What are you doing!?" Mina screamed over the sound of the blast.

"The fuck does it look like I'm doing!? Eating Ramen while riding a unicorn!? I'm saving your asses, that's what I'm doing!!" I shouted back, the sound of the blast still being extremely loud.

Everyone hung onto eachother since my Aura couldn't block out heated blasts or heat in general over 47°C. After a few more seconds the heat stopped blowing at us.

I was panicking since I didn't wanna cause harm to anyone and if I let the wall go it would cause a blast. "I think you can put the wall down now Y/N." Kirishima said.

"You don't think I know that!?" I said panicked. "Whats wrong Blasty!?" Bakugo asked me. "I can't let the wall go with all of you here!" I said panicking because I was slowly losing concentration over my Aura.

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