Chapter 56

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It had been a month and a half since Y/N was captured. Her classmates had moved into a dorm made by U.A to protect them. They had also taken part in the Provisional Hero Liscense exams.

They all passed except 2 students. Todoroki and Bakugo had failed the exam. One of the reasons for Bakugo's failure being the countless sleepless nights.

He was worried sick for the missing girl. He knew that she was on a personal 'mission' but he felt a pit form in his stomach at the absence of her warming presence.

Todoroki on the other hand had an encounter with a boy who caused him to fail as they were arguing the whole time. The class felt empty without Y/N. They all felt a bit of guilt for bullying her and at the same time they were worried for her.

The Bakusquad hadn't been the same since either. After all it had been a month and a half since she went missing. After the class got back from their Provisional Hero Liscense exams, they celebrated their success in the common area of the Class 1-A dormitories.

They still felt empty in a way but they plastered fake smiles on their faces all the wise. Bakugo decided to skip the formalities and head straight up to his room.

As he passed Shinso talking to Midoriya he spoke, "Deku." He said lowly. The green haired boy froze and slowly turned to him.

"K-Kachan?" Midoriya faltered. He noticed the rather unusual look on Bakugo's face. His face showed nothing but indifference. This worried Midoriya more than anything.

"Meet me outside at midnight." Bakugo directed. Midoriya nodded hesitantly but agreed anyway. Bakugo brushed past the greenette, bumping shoulders with him.

An hour late the class had settled down and all gone into their own dorms for the night. At midnight Midoriya walked outside the dorm building and saw Bakugo leaning against the wall.

He didn't say a word as he walked off onto the pathway. Midoriya stood there in confusion. The lack of an extra pair of footsteps made Bakugo stop and look back a bit.

Midoriya raised a brow at his childhood friend. They were outside past curfew. "Kachan were out past curfew if Mr. Aiza-" he cut him off.

"What the fuck are you standing there for?" Bakugo barked walking down the path. Midoriya took this as his cue to shut up and follow him.

They walked for awhile, the tension thick as Midoriya walked a yard behind the blonde. They walked into the fake city U.A used to train the hero course.

The very same one that a certain Semi-Pro had her final exam in, Ground Beta. Bakugo walked to the middle of the City and came to an abrupt stop. Midoriya walked a bit closer and stopped too.

"Why you?" Bakugo rasped, clenching his fists. "What?" Midoriya whispered. "You were always behind me, you followed me like the annoying bastard you are. You thought you were better than me, huh?" Bakugo brooded.

Midoriya's eyes widened in shock. "I've never thought I was better th-" he spoke in a panic but was cut off. "Bullshit!" Bakugo shouted, his voice penetrating through the air like a whip.

"You've always been weaker than me. You were a quirkless runt and then somehow you got this so called 'borrowed power'. When you told me about that after the Battle Trial, I thought you were lying to me. But you always seemed so satisfied with your power and you got stronger and stronger. Ever since All-Might came to town you've gotten stronger. So strong you passed the Provisional Hero Liscense exams and I didn't." He exhaled.

"It's not about being strong-" Midoriya tried to say but Bakugo interrupted him, "Shut up and listen!" He bellowed. "That quirk you have...I know it's All-Mights." He breathed.

𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 | 𝕂𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora