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The cold night breeze played with his hair freely bit Marcelo couldn't be bothered by it. Like always his mind was full. He was staring into the night but he didn't really see anything as he was in his head.

He had always thought once he got rid of his grandfather, the demons in his head would stop but he was wrong. The only times they were quiet was when he was with Susan and sometimes they manage to peek their head and taunt him of how his hold on Susan would finally ruin her.

That scared Marcelo because he knew it was true. He couldn't let her go but holding on would only hurt her and letting her go would hurt him. Marcelo tried to convince himself he was used to pain and he could let her go but he knew he just couldn't but her getting her hurt hurts him.

Marcelo felt frustrated. Marcus is not he only man who wishes for his downfall, he had thousands of men after him. It came with the territory, with great power comes great enemies and Marcelo have pissed a lot of people and he had a lot of enemies.

His demons keeps mocking him, laughing at him. He wasn't free of his grandfather. The man had made him after all. Marcelo couldn't help but think the old man was right. He was like him. Marcelo didn't want that but he knew that he was the toxin that would finally be the end of Susan. He loved her too much to let her go or let her get hurt.

Marcelo suddenly felt a small warm soft hand covering his. The night breeze carried the scent of his beloved. He looked down at Susan. Her big round eyes was looking at him like it could see through him.

"Marcelo." Susan softly called.

"Why are you not asleep?" Marcelo tried to change the subject he could see brewing in her eyes.

"I love you Marcelo." Susan told him.

Marcelo knew Susan had seen right through him. He look his hand away from hers and wrapped it around her pulling her closer to his side.

"I obsessively love you." Marcelo responded.

Susan smiled at that. It wouldn't be the first time Marcelo would tell her that. But it always made her smile. As always Marcelo isn't one to mince words. He would tell Susan he was obsessively in love with her and Susan knew it. She loved it even.
But Susan could hear the pain in his voice.

"Enough to let me go." Susan held in the sob that she could feel coming.

Marcelo's hand tightened around her. He didn't want to let go but Susan pulled away from him.

She ran her finger through her hair as a year slipped down her eyes. Marxdll attempted to pull her to him but she took a few steps back.

"You have no idea how much I wanted you to say those words before." Susan chuckled with sacarsm.

"For you to say you want to let me go, I wanted you to say it so bad." Susan closed her eyes as her heart began to ache.

She opened her eyes to look at Marcelo. Marcelo's fist were clenched to his sides as he looked at Susan with pained eyes.

"But I don't want that. You said you wouldn't let go that you would hold on. Well if you are willing to let go this time then I'm willing to hold on."

"I need you to talk to me Marcelo. Ever since the incident with Marcus and Alexander you've changed. Now you want to leave. You said there is no break up between us Marcelo. I take that very seriously."

Marcelo looked at Susan. He had always wondered why he needed her so much. He had always wondered why he couldn't imagine tomorrow without her in it but this was why. Susan was not just his tonic, she was his light. Marcelo thought he was protecting Susan but it was her protecting him. Susan completes him. She was the glue that held him together.

"You are my cure ." Marcelo pulled Susan into his arms and this time she went willingly.
"But I'm your toxin. I'll eventually poison you. Holding on to you would hurt you. And hurting you hurts more. If holding on hurts you Susan, then I'm willing to let go."

Susan raised her head and looked at him.

"You didn't strike me as the romantic type Marcelo King." Susan tried to joke but there was pain behind her voice.

"Well Marcelo yes you are my toxin, a very harmful one but you are also the sweetest of toxin. You Marcelo is also my light, my adventure, my love. You are everything that hurts but make me happy. And holding on to you doesn't hurt me Marcelo."

Marcelo felt his heart beating a thousand times faster. He couldn't help but wonder how he could want something so bad.

"Ever since Alexander died, my demons came back and they keeps wisphering me. I can't lose you Susan."

"You are not going to lose me."

"I'm a dangerous man. Death follows me, I'm cursed Susan."

A chuckle left Susan's mouth.

"You know when I was younger I always thought I was cursed, then I forgot about it for a while. Then I met you and I became pretty sure I was also cursed. If you are cursed and I am then I think we are the perfect match." Susan lightly jocked.

Marcelo's lips rose up in a grin.

Susan grabbed Marcelo's face and pulled him down a little to look down into her eyes.

"I want to talk to demonic Marcelo." Susan stated seriously.

"What?" Marcelo's brows shot up in confusion.

"Hey you little demon. I'm Susan Marcelo's girlfriend. I'm sure you know who I am." Susan started looking into Marcelo's eyes.

"Whatever you are telling Marcelo is pretty much shit. Marcelo King is my man. And I love my bossy, egoistical and scary boyfriend. I don't hate you be because you are that part of him that have seen and been through a lot and you are also a part of him but whatever seed of doubt would not grow. You are the part of him that's angry and scared. I get it I'm scared too. I'm scared my boyfriend is too dangerous and he'll one day get hurt, I'm scared that he'll withdraw into himself and hurt in silence. I'm scared of losing him. " Tears slipped down Susan's cheek as she opened herself to the angry and scared part of Marcelo.

"But I'm not going to give in to them. I'll be here Marcelo, by your side. This time I'll hold on to you too."

Marcelo pulled her towards him and covered her mouth with his. His hand went to the back of her head pulling her closer. His lips told everything he wanted to say. How much he needed her. How strong she made him. How much he loved her. His promise to be stronger for her. His promise to protect her. His promise to hold on. And the way she responded to his kiss made him know that she understood and she was going to hold on to him too.

My Psycho Boss. ( COMPLETED )☑️Where stories live. Discover now