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Her eyes hurt. Probably because she has been staring at the computer screen for hours. she needed a break but it was the last thing she could think of.

She decided to take her eyes off the screen for a minute. Rubbing her eyes she looked around, her colleagues were all also walking their butts off.
Her eyes went to the huge window that occupied the whole wall. It was already dark out. She looked at the leather strap watch on her hand, it was already few minutes past one o'clock in the morning.

She heard a loud groan and the sound of cracking bones, Susan looked to her left to see Joe stretching .

They all looked exhausted, but they can't stop. Their existence basically depends on it. Tomorrow was the review. Every six months, they put together all the data and every projects and charts and make a review for the chairman of the company.

They took all their orders from his personal assistant. Everyone feared Mr Marcelo King. There was also a myth that if his eyes met yours, your soul becomes broken.

"You guys go home,I'll wrap things up here" Susan spoke up.

Joe looked at her in amusement but he wasn't surprised, this wasn't the first time she had decided to cover for them.

"Are you sure?"

Aisha, another colleague and one of her closet friends asked.

"Yeah, we just need to wrap up, that shouldn't be difficult to do"She assured them.

They immediately thanked her and headed for the elevator. Joe rushed out before she could change her mind, not that she would but it didn't hurt to be careful.

When all of them had left. She decided to head to the break room for some coffee and decided to also grab a bagel. she was hungry and exhusted and couldn't wait to kiss her bed.
She didn't cover for them purely out of good will.

Anytime she'll call in sick or request a leave she gets its more easily than the others. she was one of the most hard working employee in the department. Heading out of the break room, she heard the elevator ding open.

She wasn't sure if it was one of her colleagues or an intruder from a rival company, but that seemed far fetched.
One thing about Susan was she had a very wild imagination.

The company was one of the most protected building in the city.
If it was an intruder, she wouldn't have anything to protect herself with. And it was not like she could beat an intruder to death with a bagel.
She could however throw the brewing hot coffee on him, then when he was writhing in agony she would shove a bagel down his throat and he would choke on it.

Susan couldn't help it when her imagination starts brewing theories it was hard for it to stop. Standing in front of her was a man probably in his early thirties in a black suit.

He had a piece of wire that ran from his ear to the back of his neck. His name tag spelt Ronny. He doesn't really seem like a Ronny, he seemed like a Jeff or Terry, probably because of his bulging muscles. He was not as huge as Terry from her favorite sitcom Brooklyn nine nine, but he was muscular enough and it was evident he frequently visited the gym.

"Good evening Miss Presely" He greeted, his face was cold and his face only held small emotions but his eyes showed a soft familiarity.

She recognized him from the security team on the first floor. Although she always greets them, she wasn't very familiar with all of their faces and names.He eyed the cup of coffee she was holding and the half eaten bagel on her other hand and accessed her.

"Your ID card?". When he asked.

Susan headed to her table to get it, when she moved his stance changed and he squared his shoulders. His hand was a little risen, Susan eyes followed and she could see the hostler on his waist.

My Psycho Boss. ( COMPLETED )☑️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat