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"Let go Sue. Come on." Hannah tried to persuade.

"I'm not leaving without him Hannah. Tell me where he is."

Susan could not stop how fast her heart was beating. She couldn't even slow her breathing. The sound of gun shots have been ringing throughout he huge estates for more than ten minutes before Hannah found her but Susan wasn't ready to leave without him.

"You are not going to leave with me." Hannah stated. She could see the look in Susan's eyes.

She let out a frustrated sigh. Her boss had already instructed her to take Susan away. But Hannah knew that Susan wouldn't leave without him.
Hannah over came the urge to both awe and roll her eyes at the obvious love they have for each other.

"I'm not leaving without him." Susan affirmed stubbornly.


Hannah turned around and ordered the men that were following her to protect she and Susan.

Susan began walking. She didn't know where she was going but her heart called for Marcelo and she followed it.


"You have to die for me to live."

"Well that's a bit dramatic even for you Marcus." Thawne snickered at the  deranged looking man.

It seemed to Thawne and everyone else in tje room that Marcus had finally hit his breaking point. Alexander had finally pushed him against a wall. He was the deformed demon created by Alexander.

Marcus looked at his Nephew. The hatred in his heart for the man almost hurt but it did ache. Everything he had ever done, everything he has ever thought of was to outdo him but everytime he failed.

And he remembered those failures and the reason for them. To Marcus Marcelo was the cause of his failures. He lacked his father's love because of him, he lacked his father's approval because of him, he was deprived of his right because of him. But his death, his ruin would ensure his own survival.

Marcelo almost pitied the crazy man infront of him but he thrist for his blood instead. He had taken his woman, hurt his woman. He wanted his head.
Marcelo could remember the phone call a few days ago and he had replayed it in silence in his head everyday.

He could still remember the sound of her steady breathing and remembered how her breathe hitched when Marcus hit her but not a sound came out of her. Her breathing went back to it's steady pace, assuring him that she was fine. Marcelo could remember how close he was to begging Marcus if that it was all it took for him to see her again but her resilience against Marcus had strengthened him.

Now Marcelo wanted to end the part of his life that hurt. Alexander and Marcus were part of that life that hurt. The Cain empire was part of life that hurts.

"I will kill you Marcus. That part is non negotiable."

Marcus let out a bitter chuckle.
"Always straight to the point isn't it. I guess that's one of the things he loves about you."

Marcelo knew who he was talking about but he couldn't care.

"Don't worry uncle. I'll kill him too." Marcelo's eyes darken.

"You are not going to kill any of us Marcelo. You know why?" Marcus strutted tithe front with confidence taking slow taunting steps.

"Because if I die. Your precious woman dies too."

Marcelo stilled at Marcus's words but he stood looking unaffected.

"You don't believe me do you. I love to have a contingency plan Marcelo. That is why for the past six days your little girlfriend have been feeding on a little rate tonic I got from the carrabians."
Marcus let out a chuckle before he transfered to a full blown villainous laughter.

Marcelo's jaw clenched as he narrowed his eyes at Marcus.

"Amd besides I want to kill that old man myself." Marcus ended.

Marcus was already visualizing how he would show his father Marcelo's severed head before running a steak knife into the old man's neck and watch the old man gaggle in his own blood and he would finally see in the old man eyes what he had always wanted. Pride. Fear. Acceptance.

"You don't really think you are going to get away with this are you? Are you going to bet your life on the fact that the boss would choose to leave you alone because of a woman." Thawne tried to mock Marcus but he knew that Marcus had the upper hand. There was no way his boss would let his girl die.

"You love her don't you?" Marcus asked. His voice was not laced with spite or hatred or mickey but it was laced with envy.

Marcus has always converted what Marcelo had. But one thing that made him truly jealous was when he saw that the heartless brick of ice stone found love.

"I do. Obsessed too." Marcelo admitted.

"You won't let her die then."

Marcelo knew that Marcus was waiting for him to throw his guard down.

"No." Marcelo raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

Marcus eyes widen in shock and his face squeezed in pain and hatred.

Marcelo walked towards him and pulled him by the nape of his neck. His fingers dug into Marcus's flesh.

"You took what's mine and you dare threaten me." Marcelo growled.

Marcus could feel the red patch of liquid spreading across his chest.

"My death ensures your survival. But I have to survive so it means you die uncle." 

Marcelo pulled away from his uncle and watched as tears streamed down his face.

Marcus was angry and sad. The sharp intense pain in his chest reminded him that he finally failed. That fact hurts more than the hole in his chest.

He had the upper hand. He knew he had the upper hand. He had a contingency plan.

Was it because he didn't love her enough?
Was it because he was just too cold to truly love?
What had happened?

Marcus looked at Marcelo's face as the world around him began to turn red. He knew that Marcelo would shoot his final shot. The kill shot and Marcus remembered something from over twenty years ago.

Marcelo had told him something when he had picked a fight with him when they were younger.

"If you keep on annoying me I'll kill you Marcus " little Marcelo had growled out in annoyance.

"No. You Alexander will beg me for mercy before I out a hole at the middle of your head." Marcus promised

That got to little Marcelo as he stilled. He turned to his uncle and pushed his wait against him, knocking the air out of him and pinned him against the wall.

"If you go on... The last face you see before your world goes dark will be the one of a god. Mine."

That world rang in Marcus's ears as he looked at the barrel that would spit out the final bullet and he looked at the man behind the trigger.

The face of a god.

And the loud shot echoed through the large house.

My Psycho Boss. ( COMPLETED )☑️Where stories live. Discover now