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Susan had returned back to San Francisco by Sunday which she spent cleaning up her house. After four hours of cleaning, Laundry, grocery shopping, Susan decided to take a break, and laying flat like a star fish on her bed she realised how much she needed a social life.

She had spent all week hearing people ask her about her single life, and how she prioritized her work over her life, and when she was going to get married. They were all right though, she has only gone on seven dates in her life.

Susan knew what she lacked but one thing about her was that she preferred to be satisfied than be happy, although she had tried to convince herself that she was happy, instead she was just at peace, and Susan valued that.

She had a life with her family, she's surrounded by loving friends and co-workers. She earned more than enough to give her family the best life. Susan didn't want more from life, life is cruel, anything it gives you you have no option but to deal with it, but when life gives you at least a little then she should also take that without complain.

Nothing right now was stopping her from going out to party, or have a life, but she remembered she had to go to work tomorrow.


This was the third time she was waking up, looking at her time it read past two, no matter how much she tried to go back to sleep she couldn't.

She looked at her window, she loved leaving her curtains open, but for some reason, she was feeling very uncomfortable, she felt... watched.

Everytime she'll feel the hair on her neck rise and goosebumps appears on her body. She didn't know if she was being paranoid or not, but she really didn't feel comfortable.

After a late night sandwich, she was finally able to sleep, but that feeling wasn't gone. Was someone watching her? or is it just her?.

Everyone was getting ready for the company's party. It was only for those who works at the company, but not just anyone. Managers, CFOs, Directors, Management teams and so on that could attend this type of party, including Susan and her team.

They always looked forward to the party, it was like a bonding time for she and her colleagues, they get to wear fancy clothes and eat from a fancy buffet and drink ridiculously expensive wines.

She, Aisha, and Leo spend the day before the party their weekend shopping. They worked hard all week to complete their tasks so when it was time to let loose they would do it without fear of getting scolded by Miller.

"OMG, I can't wait to shop with you bitches" Leo squealed.

She already had a ridiculously high pitched voice, her squealing just made it was.
"Leo" Josh scolded, his voice holding a stern warning.

Leo is used to cursing and all, she has a free spirit, and to Susan she is the coolest person in the company.

"Sorry Big J" she apologized with a smile on her face.

Josh just groaned. No matter what anyone do to stop Leo from being herself it just can't work.

She had nicknames for everyone including Miller, and no matter how much you try to tell her to behave proffesionaly in a work place environment she just doesn't care.

Leo, Aisha and Susan couldn't wait to leave early today so they can start shopping. Like everyone other sane woman, Susan loved shopping but she wasn't obsessed with it.

She loved to go out, try on new clothes, buy them, and show them off.

"Oh my God, that dress is HIDEOUS!" Leo yelled out at the lemon green dress Susan had on.

My Psycho Boss. ( COMPLETED )☑️Where stories live. Discover now