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    It's been two weeks since I came into the King's mansion. I didn't really have any other thing to do than explore the gigantic house. Marcelo's house had way too many rooms. There are some room that serves absurd purposes.

He had a cigar room. He had an underground sauna, a theatre room, glass room, an aquarium, a small zoo, an arcade, he has two studys, two library. He had different wine cellars.

"This is the problem with having too much money. You own a lot of stupid things" that was all I could utter as I looked around the fourth wine cellar with ridiculously expensive and old wine.

  Why would anyone need a sixteen years old wiskhy, or a drink as old as Grandmas. There are people who are unable to afford their apartment, or afford three square meals and this guy own a mirror room.

It's a useless as owning a room where old antique weapons are kept and displayed, and honestly I am freaked out about that room. Who own a weapon room.

"This is stupid".  The young maid who stood behind cleaning the cellar chuckled at my statement.

  I turned to look at her.

"Honestly I don't understand the purpose of most room... The aquarium I do understand,and so is the library but the rest I'm just baffled."

  "Most of us felt the same way when we started walking here. Well we were more amazed than mad" she said referring to my current emotion.

    Yeah I'm mad. When I started working, I remembered how hard it was, juggling school and a day job, too afraid to ask the family for help when I didn't receive my paycheck on time. And now I'm living in a house worth over fifty million dollars. I don't know what is more ridiculous.

   "The truth is master doesn't even know half of these room exist"the maid said .

   I raised my brows in surprise and I was confused. The maid seemed to see the expression on my face and answered my unasked question.

  "The master visits his room, his home office and the underground gym .Mr Miller filled the rooms with different things to fill the house a little. I guess it's too give this house a little warmth or homey vibe"

   "I don't think he understands what homey or warmth is"

I still didn't know the name of the maids. They've been ordered by a certain bully to only attend to my need but not to familiarize themselves with me.

They talk to me when I talk to them and answer my every question aside that I'm pretty much alone. I want to go outside but I'm too afraid to ask, I really didn't want to face him.

      The only time I see him was during breakfast, and most of the times he really doesn't touch his food, probably because he drinks blood because he's a vampire (he is not).

         I had no idea what I was doing here or what the boss was going to do with me, and I've ruled out killing me for the main time since that does not seem to be happening anytime soon, although killing me seems like the reasonable choice according to the movies.

I saw something I shouldn't have seen, he should've killed me. He took me to an underground club, a part of his world, that surely mean something, maybe it was his message to me.

' You are stuck with me'.

  According to movies i should be dead, but I'm alive. Although being alive feels so good, but the thought that one day he may wake up one morning and decided to end all this was more terrifying.

   I was reading a book about an ancient war and a hardened cruel general. His library had lots of books about war, ancient times, Amargedon and ancient methology. That just made me wonder if Mr Marcelo was Lex luthor.

My Psycho Boss. ( COMPLETED )☑️Where stories live. Discover now