Chapter 598 - Town Slaughter!

Start from the beginning

Nie Yan's mind trembled. Was this Heart of a Hero quest related to the Holy Spirit Heart?

Nie Yan was filled with doubts. However, after some more thought, he decided not to worry about it any further. Be it the Heart of a Hero right now or the Holy Spirit Heart required to rescue Barbarian Kelowitz, they were all shrouded in a veil of mystery. He still didn't have a real understanding of what they were.

Nie Yan wore the chain and link bracelet on his left hand, wrapping it around his middle finger. It didn't have any stats whatsoever. Many close-combat classes had this type of accessory. According to rumours, some rare bracelets would become a frightening cursed item after absorbing large amounts of blood.

With the bracelet on, Nie Yan felt an icy coldness course through his hand.

After handing out the quest to Nie Yan, Cranston seemed to age more than 10 years. He said with a feeble tone, "Wear this bracelet as you pursue the path of a hero. It will grant you miraculous power. Well, I wish you success on your journey. I'll be handing this gold over to my children. One day, just like the father of this church... Let dust turn to dust and earth return to earth. The world is me, and I am the world. Why would I be reluctant to leave?"

Cranston bid farewell to Nie Yan, then disappeared behind the church.

It seemed like the reason Nie Yan had never encountered Cranston before was that he disappeared after handing out his quest. That was probably why whenever he entered the church in the previous timeline, it was completely empty.

Seeing Cranston's figure disappearing behind the church, Nie Yan withdrew his gaze. He had no idea what he needed to do to trigger the next clue in the quest. After reading over the quest description, he decided to put it off for now. Quests that he hadn't even started yet or was stuck halfway through on were a dime-a-dozen in his quest window. He could only resolve them one at a time. This wasn't the first, nor would it be the last.

After waiting a while longer in the church, Nie Yan heard the sound of battle coming from the town entrance. He quickly stood up. Phantom Princess Ina was here!

Nie Yan walked out of the church. Activating his Crawler Ring, he quickly climbed up to the top of the roof. As he looked to see what was happening at the entrance, his eyes trembled with shock.

It wasn't playing out like he expected at all. He thought Crassus' residents and defenses were enough to deal with Phantom Princess Ina. However, she had summoned a Giant Steel Golem. It was five meters tall and covered in sharp spikes It acted as a bodyguard and stood right in front of her. Each step it took violently shook the earth.

The women in Crassus let out cries of terror. The men grabbed their weapons. Some people manned the crossbow turrets and took aim at the Giant Steel Golem.

However, their attacks had no effect. The Giant Steel Golem smashed its fist into the wall. BOOM! It instantly destroyed a portion of the wall. Several residents let out miserable cries and collapsed on the ground.

The Giant Steel Golem wreaked havoc on the town's defenses, killing residents left and right.

Phantom Princess Ina raised her staff, reanimating the fallen residents into her undead army. The number of Phantom Puppets under her control grew with each passing second. They started carrying out a massacre.

Some players didn't get a chance to flee before they were overrun by the Phantom Puppets.

Nie Yan's face turned ashen. A Level 100 Variant Lord was much more powerful than he ever imagined.

Notice: Crassus is under attack. Players, please provide assistance!
Notice: Crassus is under attack. Players, please provide assistance!

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