Chapter 531 - Black Hell Joins the Guild

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As Nie Yan was analyzing the Darkwing Dragon's stats and deciding on which ones to focus on, there was movement on the side of Alliance of Mages.

A group of 60 players wearing black cloaks appeared outside the small residential area which served as a temporary base for Alliance of Mages. These people radiated a mysterious and stifling pressure.

Receiving news of their arrival, Crazy Magic hurriedly rushed out to greet them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Krow. I welcome you on behalf of Alliance of Mages," Crazy Magic greeted.

The Warrior called Krow didn't bother responding.

Krow and the players accompanying him were cold and indifferent, much to the indignation of the Alliance of Mages players. Even though Crazy Magic was inwardly steaming at being disrespected like this, he still had a fawning expression on his face. He understood this group couldn't be provoked. Leaving aside the fact they worked directly under Cao Xu, all of them were extraordinary characters in their own respect.

"You're too kind, Crazy Magic," an Arcane Mage called Raven answered.

Raven was also Chinese. He appeared to be a good talker. On the other hand, Krow's arrogance was clearly written on his face.

These 60 players were the elites of Direwolf. Ordinary players had only heard of them but never seen them in action. Nie Yan was more-or-less the same. All he knew was that Cao Xu had nurtured this organization for many years.

Crazy Magic invited Krow, Raven, and the rest inside to discuss the upcoming war.

Nie Yan was still in the villa, when he received word that Black Hell was looking for him.

"He's finally here!" Nie Yan muttered. He still recalled how he had almost lost in their previous duel. He was more than willing to welcome an expert like this into the guild!

Nie Yan headed out to greet Black Hell. The two met outside the villa's entrance.

"We meet again," Nie Yan said, looking Black Hell up and down. His equipment had vastly improved since they last met. His staff was crafted out of an extremely pure Darkness Crystal.

Crystals were the best catalysts for channeling magic and the go-to material for top quality staffs. At the same time, the greater the purity of the crystal, the greater the damage bonuses for magic corresponding to the crystal's element.

Guo Huai's eyes weren't mistaken. This staff was Legendary-grade.

Black Hell chuckled and nodded.

Black Hell still had that indifferent calmness about him. However, hidden behind it was now also a hint of loneliness and bleakness.

Nie Yan understood Black Hell's personality and didn't ask about Dark Hero.

"Welcome to Asskickers United," Nie Yan said with a sincere expression.


After learning of Black Hell's arrival, Black Heaven rushed over from the west side of the Hilton Stronghold. He excitedly shouted, "Big Brother!"

Black Heaven had matured quite a bit. Black Hell patted his shoulders with a proud look on his face.

"Big Brother, since you've left Dark Hero, forget all that happened! The past is the past. You have us here!" Black Heaven said.

Black Hell chuckled. "It seemed like my decision to have you join Asskickers United was correct. You've grown quite a bit."

Black Heaven laughed while scratching his nose.

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