Chapter 430 - Even a Nobody Can Make a Huge Impact!

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Most of the Thunderstorm Mines surrounding the Armoured Catapults were cleared away, leaving only the 3,000 or so players from Bloodlust Blades to defend. Their defense was extremely frail.

Countless players from Asskickers United charged toward the Armoured Catapults. The Crypt Lord along with hundreds of Carrion Scarabs also swarmed forward. With so many enemies closing in from every direction, the Armoured Catapults had no way of stopping everyone.

Soaring Angel urgently requested for support from Alliance of Mages and Divine Protectors. If the Armoured Catapults were destroyed, what little chance they had at victory would be extinguished.

Holy Empire and Sapphire Shrine's blockade had been broken through. More and more players from Alliance of Mages and Divine Protectors were converging here.

Nie Yan received word about the enemy's movements from Sleepy Fox and Fa Lan. It would be troublesome if the reinforcements from Alliance of Mages and Divine Protectors arrived before he could destroy the Armoured Catapults. He needed to hurry up!

Nie Yan had the Crypt Lord charge forward, entering the range of the two Armoured Catapults.

「Boom! Boom! Boom!」Ten red-hot shells fell from the sky and struck the Crypt Lord, engulfing the surrounding area in powerful flames. More than 20 Carrion Scarabs were killed in the inferno. The Crypt Lord was also knocked several steps back by the impact.

The Crypt Lord was stopped dead in its tracks.

The Armoured Catapults were extremely powerful. The 10 shells had dealt more than 700,000 damage total. However, since the Armoured Catapults were focused solely on the Crypt Lord, they had no time to deal with the oncoming forces from Asskickers United, leaving the players of Bloodlust Blades to fend for themselves. They were forced into constant retreat.

「Bang! Bang! Bang!」Thunderstorm Mines exploded across the battlefield, blasting countless players from Asskickers United into smithereens. However, more players would rush forward to replace the fallen.

Taking advantage of the downtime between attacks, Nie Yan had the Crypt Lord charge directly for the Armoured Catapults.

"Quickly withdraw! Retreat 30 meters back!" Soaring Angel anxiously ordered the players from Bloodlust Blades. As long as they could hold out, a large amount of reinforcements from Alliance of Mages and Divine Protectors would arrive, and the pressure on them would lessen by a lot. The formidable might of the Armoured Catapults gave him a trace of hope. As long as they were protected, it would still be possible to kill the Crypt Lord!

The Crypt Lord was a nightmare for Bloodlust Blades!

From the moment it appeared, the Crypt Lord was invincible, sweeping through every enemy in its path with its domineering might.

Tallying everything up, Bloodlust Blades had suffered over 43,000 deaths, of which the Crypt Lord was responsible for more than 7,000. More importantly, its presence alone had thoroughly wrecked their morale, causing them to lose all will to fight.

The Crypt Lord was rapidly approaching the Armoured Catapults, only 200 meters away.

"Fifth to Seventh Fighter Division, stop the Crypt Lord!" Soaring Angel shouted. Under his command, three teams of close to 200 Fighters formed a human wall in front of the Crypt Lord's path.

It would be difficult for even the Crypt Lord to break through this solid blockade.

Nie Yan glanced at the Crypt Lord's skill bar. Impale wouldn't be off cooldown for another minute, and it only had roughly 30% mana left. He was spamming skills too much in the beginning. Looking at the other skills, Corpse Eater was still available. He activated it and saw the Crypt Lord swallow several corpses whole in one go, recovering over 300,000 health and 30% mana! What an amazing skill!

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